OIF Summit stresses multilateral organisations’ role in global peace maintenance


Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (front, centre) at the 17th Francophonie Summit in Yerevan, Armenia 

Members of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF), including Vietnam, affirmed the importance of multilateral organisations in maintaining global peace and stability at the 17th Francophonie Summit, held in Yerevan capital of Armenia, on October 11 and 12.

Talking to the press about the summit’s outcomes, Ambassador Duong Chi Dung, head of Vietnam’s permanent mission to the United Nations in Geneva and assistant to the Vietnamese Foreign Minister, said the event attracted nearly 40 presidents and prime ministers from the OIF member countries and territories, along with representatives of the UN and many international and regional organisations.

Themed “Living together in solidarity, sharing humanistic values, and respect for diversity: a source of peace and prosperity in La Francophonie”, the summit highlighted the significance of international multilateral organisations, including the OIF, in enhancing mutual understanding, respecting diversity, and promoting cooperation to maintain peace and stability and resolve issues around the world and in the Francophone space.

Dung noted that it adopted many important documents, including the Yerevan Declaration, the Francophonie’s call for living together, and the Francophone cooperation strategy for 2019-2022. They will not only help deal with challenges facing the Francophone community but also set up orientations for the French-speaking community’s activities in the coming time, particularly assisting the member states and governments to realise the Sustainable Development Goals, respond to climate change, boost economic growth, and increase the use of French at multilateral forums.

He added the summit admitted Ireland, Malta, Gambia and the US state of Louisiana as observers, raising the number of OIF members and observers to 88, thus further affirming the OIF’s role as the world’s second biggest international organisation, after the UN.

The summit elected Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo as Secretary-General of the OIF for the 2019-2022 term.

Dung highlighted active contributions by the high-ranking delegation of Vietnam, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, to the summit.

The official noted Deputy PM Minh delivered an important speech, stressing that the world and the Francophone community are facing a number of challenges that no countries can singlehandedly resolve, so multilateral mechanisms like the OIF hold critical importance.

He asked the OIF to step up substantive cooperation, seek measures to deal with the root causes of crises and instability such as inequality, hunger, poverty, and underdevelopment, continue to reinforce existing mechanisms for conflict prevention, and handle disputes on the basis of international law.

The Vietnamese delegation also mentioned the Asia-Pacific’s situation, emphasising that the region is an important part of the Francophone space, and it now also has to cope with many challenges caused by the strategic competition of power countries, racial conflicts, terrorism, cyber security, and climate change, Ambassador Dung said.

Deputy PM Minh affirmed that Vietnam has always actively participated in and responsibly contributed to common efforts for the sake of peace, security and development of the world and the Francophone community. 

Vietnam called on involved parties, and showed its readiness to join relevant sides to peacefully resolve East Sea disputes in conformity with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. It also asked the OIF members to continue supporting Vietnam’s efforts in this issue.

The Vietnamese side actively joined in the building of and promoted the adoption of documents with content matching the country’s policies and interests.

Dung said the documents issued at the summit called on the Francophone community to pay more attention to the complicated situation in the East Sea, urging parties concerned to peacefully handle disputes on the basis of international law, exercise self-restraint, not use or threaten to use force, ensure the security and safety of navigation and aviation, fully implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and make efforts to achieve an effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the waters.

On the sidelines of the summit, Deputy PM Minh had bilateral meetings with heads of delegations of France, Canada, Armenia, Mali, Haiti, Andorra, Cameroon, Guinea, and Madagascar to strengthen Vietnam’s relations with the countries and call for their endorsement of its candidacy for non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council for 2020-2021.

At these meetings, the countries said they treasure ties with Vietnam and consider it a development model, especially for African nations. They hoped that Vietnam will continue acting as a bridge of the OIF in the Asia-Pacific and contribute to peace, stability and development in the Francophone community and the world. They also promised to consider supporting Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council, Ambassador Dung added.

Acting President meets with exemplary Vietnamese farmers

Acting President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh (front, second, right) meets with exemplary farmers in Hanoi on October 12 

Acting State President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh has urged the Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VNFU) to accelerate the movement “Farmers 4.0” aiming to apply scientific and technological advances to create farm produce of better quality and generate higher economic benefits for farmers.

The Acting President made the statement while hosting a reception in Hanoi on October 12 for a delegation of exemplary Vietnamese farmers who will be honoured at the upcoming sixth “Pride of Vietnamese Farmers” programme 2018.

She praised the VNFU for its active and creative activities to build trust and motivate the farmers to achieve numerous achievements in socio-economic development, thus contributing to the cause of national construction and development.

As 2018 marks 70 years since President Ho Chi Minh’s call for patriotic emulation, the leader asked the VNFU to focus on facilitating the emulation movements in a stronger and more effective fashion, while giving better care to policy beneficiaries, national contributors and those living in disadvantaged circumstances.

Also the same day, Acting President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh met with representatives of outstanding small and medium-sized Vietnamese enterprises (SMEs) in 2018. 

They are the enterprises and entrepreneurs who have provided practical support for needy children via the National Fund for Vietnamese Children (NFVC) at all levels, as well as social security programmes.

Thinh applauded the good deeds and kind hearts of the SMEs in offering practical support for needy children across Vietnam, while asking the NFVC to continue calling for further support from businesses, entrepreneurs and philanthropists, aiming to ensure a safe and healthy environment in which for all Vietnamese children to live, study and grow.

She highlighted the importance of SMEs in the country’s economic development, making up 45 percent of the country’s GDP and 31 percent of budget revenue and generating more than five million jobs annually. 

HCM City promotes people-to-people diplomacy with Japan


Officials of HCM City and representatives of the International Friendship Exchange Council of Japan pose for a photo 

Ho Chi Minh City wants to cooperate with Japanese investors in climate change adaptation, green growth, application of technology in environmental protection and education, a local official said on October 12.

While receiving Vice Chairman of the International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) of Japan Yoshihiko Nakagaki, Vice Chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee Le Thanh Liem said the city also desires to further boost cultural and people-to-people exchanges, especially exchanges between students and youths, in order to enhance mutual understanding and bilateral relations between Vietnam and Japan.

Liem affirmed that Japan is a close friend of Vietnam and HCM City in particular, adding that the city has increased the exchange of visits as well as cooperation and friendship activities with Japan and its cities and prefectures.

The two sides have also organised a range of cultural exchange activities such as the Japan-Vietnam Festival and the Vietnam Festival in Aichi with the theme of “Ho Chi Minh City’s Integration and Development,” he said.

At the meeting, Liem and Nakagaki also discussed a number of issues in which Japan is interested like settlement of pressure from growing population, traffic congestion, flooding and the city’s education work.

Nakagaki, who is also Chairman of the Japan-Vietnam Cultural and Economic Exchange Committee, said this is the eighth time has had led a FEC delegation on a working visit to Vietnam, enabling him to witness the rapid, impressive changes of both Vietnam and HCM City.

He commended the city’s remarkable contributions to Vietnam’s strong economic growth in recent years. Japan highly evaluated potential for socio-economic development of Vietnam and HCM City in particular in the future, Nakagaki added.

Sharing HCM City’s plan to build itself into a smart city, Nakagaki said Japanese businesses want to join hands with the city in dealing with challenges in the process of urban development, especially in water supply and drainage, transport infrastructure and energy, among others.

The FEC was established in May 1983 as a non-profit international exchange organisation that, on the private-sector level, promotes relationships of friendship and cooperation between Japan and other countries as well as fosters public understanding of international circumstances.

Members of the FEC include many people with deep knowledge and experience in diplomacy and international relations, both from the public and private sectors, including ambassadors to Japan. The FEC is committed to developing and promoting relationships of mutual benefit with people of other countries from the perspective of independent, private diplomacy, by uniting the wisdom of members and reflecting people’s wishes in diplomacy.

Vietnam, Cambodia to enhance agro-forestry-fishery cooperation


Vietnamese Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong (fourth, right) and Cambodian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon (fifth, right) and other officials at the meeting (Photo: dantri.com.vn)

The Vietnamese and Cambodian ministers of agriculture had a meeting in Hanoi on October 12 to discuss ways to promote cooperation in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries between the two countries.

The meeting between Vietnamese Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong and Cambodian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon took place within the framework of the 40th meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) and the 18th AMAF Plus Three (AMAF+3) meet-up in Hanoi.

They reviewed cooperation outcomes and expressed their wish to step up bilateral ties.

Minister Cuong said that agriculture plays an important role in holding up the economy of each country. The two agriculture industries also compliment each other well and as such, Vietnam will provide the best possible support for each side to develop.

Minister Veng Sakhon appreciated Vietnam’s technical assistance for Cambodia’s agriculture, noting that cassava prices in his country are falling sharply due to the spread of disease. Cambodia hopes that Vietnam will further assist its market to deal with diseases of the cassava plant and increase the buying prices of cassava in border areas.

Sharing Vietnam’s experience in dealing with cassava diseases, the host official said his ministry is ready to give technical support, including new cassava varieties, to Cambodia.

He said some agricultural products of Cambodia like cashew and rubber hold great development potential. He pledged to promote the Vietnam Rubber Group’s investment in processing facilities as scheduled and to purchase Cambodian rubber latex at reasonable prices.

At the meeting, the two officials also talked about cooperation to remove the European Commission’s yellow-card warning against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in the two countries’ fisheries sectors.

With regard to forestry, Cuong said Vietnam pays special attention to the sustainable development of the forest-based economy. Forest coverage in Vietnam reached 41.45 percent in 2017 and the country is striving to expand its forested surface area with certificates of sustainable forest management practices to about 1 million ha by 2030.

In recent years, the two sides have exchanged information about forestry and cooperated well in forest protection and development, sustainable forest management, forest certification, forestry product management, and forestry science, he added.

Quang Binh, Lao locality promote cooperation, exchange


The signing of cooperation agreements between the two localities 

Officials of the central province of Quang Binh and the Lao province of Savannakhet on October 12 agreed to promote cooperation in trade, investment, and tourism, as well as to work closely in educating the two countries’ peoples on their bilateral friendship and special solidarity. 

They reached the agreement during their talks in Quang Binh held as part of the working visit to Quang Binh by a high-ranking delegation from Savannakhet’s led by Governor Santiphap Phomvihane. 

At the event, representatives from the two localities also signed several cooperation agreements. 

The two sides informed each other of their respective socio-economic developments, defence-security situation, and party-building progress; while reviewing the implementation of contents in the minutes of the talks signed on September 26, 2016 in Savannakhet. 

They agreed to continue coordination in building National Road 9B from Quang Binh to Savannakhet’s Chutmut-Lavin. 

Quang Binh will help Savannakhet train 20 students each year in education establishments in the Vietnamese locality over the academic years of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. 

The two provinces will continue to maintain rotational exchanges between their border working missions and border protection and management forces in order to soundly address issues related to border work in line with the Vietnam-Laos agreement on border regulations. 

They will also regularly share information concerning border management and protection, especially in thwarting reactionaries’ plots to sabotage and split the Vietnam-Laos solidarity; and in preventing drug trafficking, smuggling, and transport of firearms and explosives, as well as illegal crossings. 

On the occasion, on behalf of the Lao President and Prime Minister, Santiphap Phomvihane presented the first-class Labour Order to Quang Binh authorities; as well as the second-class Freedom Order to Hoang Dang Quang, Secretary of the Quang Binh province’s Party Committee. He also honoured other officials of the Vietnamese locality. 

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Quang presented certificates of merit from the Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee to three organisations and six individuals who made great contributions to building and developing the friendship and cooperation between the two localities.

Senior CPV official receives Vientiane delegation


The meeting between Tran Quoc Vuong (R), Politburo member and permanent  member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Secretariat, and Secretary-Mayor of Laos' Vientiane capital city Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune in Hanoi on October 12 

Tran Quoc Vuong, Politburo member and permanent  member of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee’s Secretariat, received a delegation from the Lao capital city of Vientiane led by its Secretary-Mayor Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune in Hanoi on October 12.

Vuong spoke highly of the Vientiane delegation’s working visit to Vietnam and the outcomes of the talks between them and Hanoi’s counterparts.

He expressed his delight at the increasingly effective collaboration in all spheres between Vientiane and Hanoi, as well as other Vietnamese cities and provinces. 

Vuong hoped that the Lao capital will keep strong connections with Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other localities in areas that they hold strengths in, including education and training; experience-sharing in Party building and high-tech agriculture; local economic management; economics, especially in investment and trade; and infrastructure building. 

Sinlavong, who is also a Politburo member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee, congratulated Vietnam on its recent significant achievements and applauded the extensive development of the bilateral special relations in all aspects.

He also informed his host on Vientiane’s situation, the Lao city’s cooperation with Hanoi and other Vietnamese localities, and the outcomes of the talks between officials of the two capitals.

The official thanked Vietnamese localities for their effective support for Vientiane over the past few years. He affirmed that Vientiane will coordinate closely with Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and other Vietnamese localities to further improve cooperation and increase the sharing of experience in all fields, thereby helping to realise agreements between the two Parties, countries, and capital cities so as to lift the Laos-Vietnam special solidarity to a new height.

Deputy PM Truong Hoa Binh welcomes Vientiane Mayor


Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh shakes hands with Mayor of Vientiane, Laos, Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune. 

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh on October 12 hosted a reception for Mayor of Vientiane, Laos, Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune who is in Hanoi for experience exchange between the two capital cities.

The Deputy PM praised the special relations between Vietnam and Laos, saying Vietnam always attaches importance to maintaining and developing the ties which have been nurtured by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Kaysone Phomvihane as well as generations of leaders.

He showed his delight at the growing cooperation between the two countries’ localities, particularly that of Hanoi and Vientiane which has seen strong progress in economics, education, culture, social affairs, healthcare, agriculture and people-to-people exchange.

He hoped that the two cities will continue working closely, exchanging information and experience, and supporting each other in all fields. He suggested Vientiane bolster effective and practical cooperation with other cities and provinces in Vietnam to further consolidate the friendship and solidarity between the two nations and peoples.

Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune, for his part, informed Deputy Prime Minister Binh on results of the talks with Secretary of the Hanoi Party’s Committee Hoang Trung Hai a day earlier, during which the two sides shared hands-on experience and successful models in building and developing each capital city. They also agreed on various measures to further step up their bilateral partnership in economics, culture, healthcare, people-to-people exchange and more.

The Lao Mayor said he looks forward to continued support from the Government of Vietnam for Vientiane to expand cooperation with Hanoi as well as other Vietnamese localities.

Vietnam proud to be dynamic, responsible member of ASEM


Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son 

Vietnam is proud to be a dynamic and responsible member of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) over the past more than two decades, leaving significant imprints in the forum’s history since its founding in 1996, according to Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son.

In an article written ahead of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s attendance in the 12th ASEM Summit (ASEM 12) in Brussels, Belgium, on October 18-19, the Deputy FM stressed that Vietnam’s joining in ASEM as a founding member in 1996 marked an important step in the country’s foreign policy on multilaterisation and diversification of relations and international integration.

He recalled that Vietnam successfully organised the fifth ASEM Summit in 2004 and five ministers’ meetings. The country also proposed 24 initiatives and co-sponsored 27 others in the ASEM framework. A noteworthy example is the first cooperative mechanism in water resources management which was initiated by Vietnam and countries in the Mekong and Danube river basins in 2011.

The active participation in ASEM and close cooperation with other ASEM members have brought about practical benefits for Vietnam. Among 28 ASEM members, 22 are strategic partners and comprehensive partners of Vietnam. In combination, they account for 70 percent of the country’s foreign direct investment and foreign trade value, as well as 80 percent of foreign tourists. ASEN members are also involved in 14 out of 16 free trade agreements that Vietnam has signed or is negotiating on.

Such figures demonstrate the significance of ASEM members to Vietnam’s economy, the Deputy FM said.

In the context of unstable situation in the region and the world and complicated competition among world powers, Vietnam has coordinated with ASEM members to have more members join in preserving peace, security and stability for development and raise voice to support the country’s just stance in defending territorial sovereignty and promoting the settlement of disputes by peaceful means based on international law and common principles and standards.

At the ASEM 12, Vietnam will continue to propose ideas, thus contributing to the event’s success and promoting the Asia-Europe partnership in a more dynamic, pragmatic and effective manner.

According to Deputy FM Son, the ASEM 12 is considered an opportunities for leaders from the two continents to hold open and straightforward discussions on economic and finance issues along with arising problems in the regions and the world. The leaders are expected to outline the direction and specific measures to create a new driving force for the Asia-Europe partnership, thus contributing to maintaining peace, security and stability in the region and the world, promoting sustainable and inclusive development, and more effectively responding to global challenges.

The summit is also expected to deliver a strong message about a responsible ASEM capable of adapting to the new situation, leading in promoting multilateral cooperation and building a more effective, fair and democratic global governance mechanism.

Naval commander holds bilateral meetings on sidelines of WPNS


Vice Admiral Pham Hoai Nam (left), Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy, meets with Admiral Yutaka Murakawa, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force on the sidelines of the 16th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS). (Photo: qdnd.vn)

Vice Admiral Pham Hoai Nam, Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy met with high-ranking naval officials of Japan and India in Jeju Island, the Republic of Korea on October 11, a day before the 16th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) opens.

He met with Admiral Yutaka Murakawa, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force, during which the two sides expressed delight at the success of visits of Vietnamese frigate 015 – Tran Hung Dao to Japan and Japan’s first submarine visit to Vietnam last month. The visits were welcomed by the people, armies and navies of both sides.

Murakawa lauded the two countries’ naval cooperation, which plays a vital role in bilateral relations. 

Nam, for his part, said Vietnam looks forward to welcoming more naval ships from Japan and expects the two navies will advance their partnership and increase exchange of visits to deepen mutual understanding for the common goals of freedom of navigation, peace and stability in the region.

The Vietnamese commander later met with Vice Admiral Karambir Singh, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief of the Eastern Naval Command of the Indian Navy.

He thanked the Indian Navy and Ministry of Defence for helping the Vietnam People’s Navy implement the collaborative agreement between the two sides.

The Vietnamese navy views its Indian counterpart as a great friend, Nam said, proposing the two navies maintain their bilateral naval advisory mechanism, which has proven effective in recent years.

Singh agreed with Nam’s proposal and extended his thanks towards the Vietnamese defence ministry and navy for the warm reception for Indian naval ships.

He also voiced his hope that Vietnam and India will maintain regular exchange of visits and share information. Joint exercises will lay foundation for fostering cooperation between the two navies in the future, he said. 

The WPNS, a global forum on maritime security, has been held every two years since 1988, aiming to promote trust and cooperation among navies in the region. 

This year’s event takes place in the resort island of Jeju on October 12, bringing together 150 naval representatives from 46 countries, including the United States, China, Japan, Russia and the UK. 

Deputy PM Truong Hoa Binh welcomes Vientiane Mayor


Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh shakes hands with Mayor of Vientiane, Laos, Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune. 

Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh on October 12 hosted a reception for Mayor of Vientiane, Laos, Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune who is in Hanoi for experience exchange between the two capital cities.

The Deputy PM praised the special relations between Vietnam and Laos, saying Vietnam always attaches importance to maintaining and developing the ties which have been nurtured by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Kaysone Phomvihane as well as generations of leaders.

He showed his delight at the growing cooperation between the two countries’ localities, particularly that of Hanoi and Vientiane which has seen strong progress in economics, education, culture, social affairs, healthcare, agriculture and people-to-people exchange.

He hoped that the two cities will continue working closely, exchanging information and experience, and supporting each other in all fields. He suggested Vientiane bolster effective and practical cooperation with other cities and provinces in Vietnam to further consolidate the friendship and solidarity between the two nations and peoples.

Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune, for his part, informed Deputy Prime Minister Binh on results of the talks with Secretary of the Hanoi Party’s Committee Hoang Trung Hai a day earlier, during which the two sides shared hands-on experience and successful models in building and developing each capital city. They also agreed on various measures to further step up their bilateral partnership in economics, culture, healthcare, people-to-people exchange and more.

The Lao Mayor said he looks forward to continued support from the Government of Vietnam for Vientiane to expand cooperation with Hanoi as well as other Vietnamese localities.

Vietnam proud to be dynamic, responsible member of ASEM


Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son 

Vietnam is proud to be a dynamic and responsible member of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) over the past more than two decades, leaving significant imprints in the forum’s history since its founding in 1996, according to Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son.

In an article written ahead of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s attendance in the 12th ASEM Summit (ASEM 12) in Brussels, Belgium, on October 18-19, the Deputy FM stressed that Vietnam’s joining in ASEM as a founding member in 1996 marked an important step in the country’s foreign policy on multilaterisation and diversification of relations and international integration.

He recalled that Vietnam successfully organised the fifth ASEM Summit in 2004 and five ministers’ meetings. The country also proposed 24 initiatives and co-sponsored 27 others in the ASEM framework. A noteworthy example is the first cooperative mechanism in water resources management which was initiated by Vietnam and countries in the Mekong and Danube river basins in 2011.

The active participation in ASEM and close cooperation with other ASEM members have brought about practical benefits for Vietnam. Among 28 ASEM members, 22 are strategic partners and comprehensive partners of Vietnam. In combination, they account for 70 percent of the country’s foreign direct investment and foreign trade value, as well as 80 percent of foreign tourists. ASEN members are also involved in 14 out of 16 free trade agreements that Vietnam has signed or is negotiating on.

Such figures demonstrate the significance of ASEM members to Vietnam’s economy, the Deputy FM said.

In the context of unstable situation in the region and the world and complicated competition among world powers, Vietnam has coordinated with ASEM members to have more members join in preserving peace, security and stability for development and raise voice to support the country’s just stance in defending territorial sovereignty and promoting the settlement of disputes by peaceful means based on international law and common principles and standards.

At the ASEM 12, Vietnam will continue to propose ideas, thus contributing to the event’s success and promoting the Asia-Europe partnership in a more dynamic, pragmatic and effective manner.

According to Deputy FM Son, the ASEM 12 is considered an opportunities for leaders from the two continents to hold open and straightforward discussions on economic and finance issues along with arising problems in the regions and the world. The leaders are expected to outline the direction and specific measures to create a new driving force for the Asia-Europe partnership, thus contributing to maintaining peace, security and stability in the region and the world, promoting sustainable and inclusive development, and more effectively responding to global challenges.

The summit is also expected to deliver a strong message about a responsible ASEM capable of adapting to the new situation, leading in promoting multilateral cooperation and building a more effective, fair and democratic global governance mechanism.

Naval commander holds bilateral meetings on sidelines of WPNS


Vice Admiral Pham Hoai Nam (left), Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy, meets with Admiral Yutaka Murakawa, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force on the sidelines of the 16th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS). (Photo: qdnd.vn)

Vice Admiral Pham Hoai Nam, Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy met with high-ranking naval officials of Japan and India in Jeju Island, the Republic of Korea on October 11, a day before the 16th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) opens.

He met with Admiral Yutaka Murakawa, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force, during which the two sides expressed delight at the success of visits of Vietnamese frigate 015 – Tran Hung Dao to Japan and Japan’s first submarine visit to Vietnam last month. The visits were welcomed by the people, armies and navies of both sides.

Murakawa lauded the two countries’ naval cooperation, which plays a vital role in bilateral relations. 

Nam, for his part, said Vietnam looks forward to welcoming more naval ships from Japan and expects the two navies will advance their partnership and increase exchange of visits to deepen mutual understanding for the common goals of freedom of navigation, peace and stability in the region.

The Vietnamese commander later met with Vice Admiral Karambir Singh, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief of the Eastern Naval Command of the Indian Navy.

He thanked the Indian Navy and Ministry of Defence for helping the Vietnam People’s Navy implement the collaborative agreement between the two sides.

The Vietnamese navy views its Indian counterpart as a great friend, Nam said, proposing the two navies maintain their bilateral naval advisory mechanism, which has proven effective in recent years.

Singh agreed with Nam’s proposal and extended his thanks towards the Vietnamese defence ministry and navy for the warm reception for Indian naval ships.

He also voiced his hope that Vietnam and India will maintain regular exchange of visits and share information. Joint exercises will lay foundation for fostering cooperation between the two navies in the future, he said. 

The WPNS, a global forum on maritime security, has been held every two years since 1988, aiming to promote trust and cooperation among navies in the region. 

This year’s event takes place in the resort island of Jeju on October 12, bringing together 150 naval representatives from 46 countries, including the United States, China, Japan, Russia and the UK.