Government Chief Inspector Huynh Phong Tranh on June 12 answered National Assembly deputies’ queries on the handling of existing complaints, the supervision of the anti-corruption law’s implementation and the detection of corrupt acts.


He was also questioned about the measures needed to fight corruption and build a pure and strong inspection sector with knowledgeable staff who possess a strong sense of justice.

Tranh affirmed his sector’s determination to combat corruption, as the situation is forecast to become more serious and complex in the time to come.

Regarding the handling of corrupt cases in the inspection sector, the Chief Inspector said that 85 out of 28,000 inspectors were investigated during the 2011-2013 period. A total of 11 cases showed signs of corruption.

He attributed this problem to inspectors’ lack of awareness or disregards for the law and its principles.

In the coming time, the sector will issue regulations and standards to closely manage its operation, raise the responsibility of leaders in managing, supervising and dealing with corrupt acts, he said.

According to Tranh, by 2011, the nation had 528 complicated, prolonged complaints and accusations, including some that had lasted from 40-50 years. By the end of May 2014, 492 of them had been handled.

The Government Inspectorate will increase its publicity, transparency and dialogue with people under the Law on Complaints and raise the responsibility of its staff.

Concluding the Q&A session, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said the sector should promote the involvement of the people and the mass media as well as the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in supervising the anti-corruption fight.

He noted that the Government Inspectorate needs to coordinate with agencies at all levels in handling complaints and accusations and gradually build a pure and strong inspection force that can fulfill all assigned tasks and meet the aspirations of voters nationwide