green tea

Update news green tea

Large amounts of green tea are exported, but earn less money than Japanese tea

Both Japan and Vietnam sell green tea to the Taiwanese market. But, while Japan earns $10,173 per ton, Vietnam earns $1,721 per ton.

Green tea 'can impede nadolol blood pressure medicine'

 While some of the many compounds in green tea confer health benefits, others may impede drug action

In photos: The winter painting in Moc Chau Plateau

The bright yellow color of wild sunflowers has not disappeared but the picture of Moc Chau Plateau has been added, with the pure white color of white mustards and the red color of the early season strawberries.

Bottled green tea market to be remapped by the big guys?

Tan Hiep Phat deserves credit for “changing the wasteland into cultivated land” when it marketed the first bottled green tea products in 2006.

Green tea, coffee may help lower stroke risk: study

Green tea and coffee may help lower the risk of stroke, especially when both are taken as a regular part of the diet, according to a research published on Thursday in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.