greenhouse gas

Update news greenhouse gas

Vietnam preparing for a greenhouse gas emission reporting system

Faced with worsening air pollution, Vietnam is developing a system to monitor and manage greenhouse gas emissions. 

Businesses to take gas emission inventory in 2022

Vietnam from 2022 will produce gas emission inventory for five major fields. 

Vietnam to sign emissions reduction purchase agreement

Vietnam will be the fifth partner in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the first in the Asia-Pacific region to sign an Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement, said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Ha Cong Tuan.

Exclusive: Norway's wealth fund may blacklist firms over emissions, corruption risk

 The ethics watchdog for Norway's $900-billion sovereign wealth fund will recommend this year that the fund exclude or put on a watch list several firms in the oil, cement and steel industries for emitting too much greenhouse gas.

In Canada's far north, warm weather threatens vital ice road

 Each winter, in the far reaches of Canada's north, a highway of ice built atop frozen lakes and tundra acts as a supply lifeline to remote diamond mines, bustling with traffic for a couple of months before melting away in the spring.

Vietnam to create national greenhouse gas inventory system

 The Prime Minister has approved the creation of the national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory system (NGHGIS), which will begin operation from 2016.

Volkswagen says 800,000 cars may have false CO2 levels

 Shares in VW have dropped after it reported "irregularities" in carbon dioxide emissions levels, which could affect around 800,000 cars in Europe.

Social News 2/10

 Dong Nai rioters imprisoned for disturbing peace; Nine injured in lorry accident; France helps Vietnam cope with climate change; Last Twin Otter aircraft to land in October; Unemployment rate rising in urban areas

Greenhouse gas levels rising at fastest rate since 1984

 A surge in atmospheric CO2 saw levels of greenhouse gases reach record levels in 2013, according to new figures.

PM gives nod to carbon trading

 VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved a plan to manage greenhouse gas emissions and establish a carbon trading scheme.