Sensitive images from the entertainment service business of JBY Ocean Theater Company Limited (Bistro Fou). Photo cut from video

Recently, a video has surfaced on social media, showing a shirtless young man dancing in front of an entertainment business. While the young man danced, several women approached, touched sensitive areas of his body, and took pictures.

The video has sparked widespread criticism, with many deeming such actions offensive and contrary to good customs.

A representative of the Ha Long City Party Committee's Propaganda Department stated that the performance, held on the evening of June 25 at JBY Ocean Theater Company Limited (Bistro Fou) on Ky Quan Street, Bai Chay Ward, contained sensitive content, did not meet ethical standards, and was unsuitable for traditional customs.

On June 26, the Ha Long City People's Committee directed the Department of Culture and Information to evaluate the performance. However, the issue has not been fully resolved, and the clip's rapid spread on the internet, along with negative comments, has impacted the city's cultural and tourism business environment.

The Ha Long City Party Committee's Propaganda Department has requested the City People's Committee to direct the Department of Culture and Information to convene a meeting with relevant agencies and units to address the public's concerns.

The directive includes clarifying the responsibility of managing the art performance by JBY Ocean Theater Company Limited (Bistro Fou) and addressing sensitive behaviors that are unethical and inconsistent with traditional customs.

The results of the handling should be widely announced by the Ha Long City People's Committee through mass media channels.

Additionally, authorities are to verify the information of the person who posted the video on social networks, identify the participants in the video, and strictly handle the actions recorded according to the law.

Pham Cong