During the flood season, these homes rise with the water, providing safety and security for their occupants.

The floating houses of the residents in the flood-prone area of Dien My commune. Photo: T.L

Dien My commune, located in the low-lying Huong Khe district of Ha Tinh province, is notorious for its severe flooding. Heavy rain can quickly raise water levels to the rooftops, making flood management a critical issue for locals.

To combat these challenges, the people of Dien My have implemented floating houses, which automatically rise with rising water levels. This innovative approach ensures that families can remain safe inside their homes even during severe floods.

"We built floating houses so that when the flood comes, the house will rise with the water. Our family can stay safe inside, without fearing for our lives," said Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thien, a resident of Dien My.

Each year, when flood forecasts predict impending disasters, Mr. Thien and his family prepare by tidying up their belongings and harvesting crops. Growing up in a flood-prone area, Mr. Thien has learned to anticipate and manage flood risks.

Empty drums are attached beneath the house. Photo: T.L

"Before building floating houses, we used wooden boats for transportation during floods," Mr. Thien added. "With the new floating houses, we no longer have to worry about moving our belongings to higher ground or constantly monitoring weather updates."

Since June, with an improved financial situation, Mr. Thien invested over 50 million VND to build his floating house. Constructed with an iron frame and floating on drums, the house rises with the floodwaters, protecting the family’s belongings and ensuring their safety.

"The floating house, with its corrugated iron roof and drum-based flotation system, provides security during floods. It’s a practical solution that keeps our assets and lives safe," explained Mr. Thien.

The concept of floating houses, inspired by aquaculture cages, has become more common in Dien My since 2010. Over 60 households in the commune have adopted this model, and many more use floating rafts to avoid floods.

Mr. Thien designed an additional loft to store belongings. Photo: T.L

The floating houses have provided peace of mind for the people of Dien My. Photo: T.L

"This initiative is fantastic because it's cost-effective and ensures safety during floods," said Mr. Ha Van Dan, Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Huong Khe district. "The floating houses have greatly reduced human casualties and property loss in our community."

The local government of Dien My commune is proactive in flood management, setting up response scenarios and alerts to prepare for different levels of flooding. This comprehensive approach has significantly improved safety and reduced the impact of floods on the community.

"In the future, we will continue to encourage residents to build floating houses to ensure their safety and well-being," added the leadership of Dien My commune.

Thien Luong