VietNamNet Bridge – Of 211 cities worldwide evaluated by Mercer in 2014, the two biggest cities in Vietnam - Hanoi and HCM City - ranked 131st and 135th for cost of living, respectively.


In the first half of 2014, the consumer price index in Hanoi was higher than that of HCM City (1.38% compared with 1.09%).


The Mercer Human Resource Consulting (UK) Hanoi ranked 131st, up by three spots from last year. Meanwhile, the cost of living in HCM City was a little lower, at the 135th position, up six spots from last year.

Since 2013, Hanoi has been always ranked at a higher position than HCM City on this list. According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, in the first half of 2014, the consumer price index in Hanoi was higher than that of HCM City (1.38% compared with 1.09%).

In Southeast Asia, Singapore still takes the lead, followed by Yangon (Myanmar), Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei) and Bangkok (Thailand).

Globally, two African cities - Luanda (Angola) and N'Djamena (Chad) – hold the two leading positions. Luanda has ranked first for two consecutive years. The cost of living in these cities is high because of their over-reliance on exports.

Angola is still rebuilding, over 10 years after the end of the civil war. They import up to three quarters of consumption goods, according to Reuters. OIl here also attracts many foreign workers, which also pushes the prices up.

The cities of Asia and Europe dominate the top 10. Hong Kong (China), Singapore and Zurich (Switzerland) ranked 3rd,4th and 5th, respectively. They were followed by Geneva (Switzerland), Tokyo (Japan), Bern (Switzerland ), Moscow (Russia) and Shanghai (China).

The cities on the list are evaluated according to an annual survey of costs for more than 200 types of goods and common services, such as housing, transport, food, clothing, household appliances and entertainment facilities. All are compared to New York (USA).

S. Tung