Hanoi experienced a deluge of rain from last night through the morning of September 16th, leading to significant flooding on many streets and prolonged traffic jams during peak commute hours.

The heavy downpour, which began on the night of September 15th, continued into the early hours of September 16th, flooding large parts of the city.

By early morning, Nguyen Tuan Street was nearly impassable as water levels reached up to 50 centimeters. The severe flooding caused numerous vehicles to stall, with many residents forced to wade through the water to get to their destinations.

The flooding extended to other major streets, including Nguyen Trai and Quang Trung, further complicating the already chaotic traffic situation. Vehicles struggled to navigate through the deep water, while pedestrians were left with no choice but to walk through flooded streets.

On Route 70, the road between Military Hospital 103 and K Tan Trieu Hospital in Thanh Tri, floodwaters covered a 2-kilometer stretch. At its deepest, the water level reached 0.5 meters, making traffic nearly impossible. Many motorcyclists were seen lifting their bikes onto rescue trucks to avoid further damage.

The situation was no better on the Phung Hung - Buuo Bridge Road, where water levels also reached half a meter. Meanwhile, the stretch of Quang Trung Street, from the Van Phu - Le Trong Tan intersection in Ha Dong, was submerged under water for over 200 meters, causing significant delays.

Even by 8:30 AM, many roads remained underwater. Hoang Dao Thanh Street in Thanh Xuan District was still heavily flooded, and while water levels on Nguyen Xien Street began to recede, traffic remained slow as vehicles continued to dodge flooded sections.

In some areas, frustrated drivers resorted to using the wrong side of the road to bypass flooded sections, resulting in even more traffic chaos.

Several key streets, including Thang Long Avenue, were inundated, further exacerbating the traffic situation in Hanoi. The service road along Thang Long Avenue saw deep flooding, which added to the gridlock.

According to the Hanoi Drainage Company, rainfall levels by 6:30 AM were significant across the city. Thanh Xuan District recorded 154.5 mm of rain, while Hoang Mai, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Dong, Hai Ba Trung, and Ba Dinh all saw rainfall exceeding 100 mm. The hardest-hit area was Dong Anh District, where rainfall levels approached 230 mm.

Some of the most severely flooded areas included:

- Thai Ha, Quan Nhan, Bui Xuong Trach, Vuong Thua Vu, Nguyen Tuan, Cu Loc, Nguyen Khuyen.

- The intersection of Dien Bien Phu - Nguyen Tri Phuong, Lien Tri - Nguyen Gia Thieu, Phung Hung, Phan Boi Chau - Ly Thuong Kiet, Thuy Khue, Cao Ba Quat.

- Underpasses at Thien Duc, Nam Duong, and alley 80 Hoa Lam.

- Other critical spots included Co Linh, Dam Quang Trung, Vu Xuan Thieu, Ngoc Lam, and underpasses along Thang Long Avenue.

The city's drainage systems were overwhelmed, and response teams worked around the clock to clear clogged waterways and operate pumping stations to alleviate the flooding.

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Nguyen Tuan Street was flooded.
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The entire stretch of the road was submerged.

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Residents had to wade through water on Nguyen Trai Street.
Nguyen Trai Street was submerged after the heavy rain.
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Drainage company staff at a flooding point on Nguyen Trai Street

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Students waded along the sidewalks to get to school.

Water deeply flooded even the smaller alleys.

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Traffic was difficult, with many motorcyclists having to walk or lift their vehicles onto rescue trucks for transportation.

Phung Hung - Buou Bridge road (opposite K Tan Trieu Hospital, Thanh Tri) was submerged under half a meter of water.



By 8:30am, Hoang Dao Thanh Street (Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi) was still submerged. 

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Water began to recede on Nguyen Xien Street. However, the flow of cars and motorcycles from Thanh Xuan to Thanh Tri was still impeded. 

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Many vehicles drove on the wrong side to avoid the flooded area, causing traffic chaos.
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Hanoi's roads were congested with people and vehicles.

The service road of Thang Long Avenue was deeply flooded.

Quang Phong, Dinh Hieu, Tien Dung