Thường trực Thành ủy Hà Nội đồng ý tiếp tục giãn cách xã hội đến 6h ngày 6/9
Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Van Phong.


The information was released by Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Van Phong at a press conference this afternoon (August 20).

According to the report on Covid-19 prevention and control of the Hanoi People's Committee, during the 27 days under social distancing, Hanoi has mobilized the entire political system at all levels to take part in the fight against the pandemic. The city has made full use of the time of social distancing to control the disease from spreading in the community.

However, the city has still detected a number of locally-transmitted cases in some residential areas, while in the southern provinces the epidemic is spreading very strongly and in neighboring provinces near Hanoi such as Bac Ninh and Bac Giang, the epidemic has broken out again. Through extensive Covid-19 testing, Hanoi has identified very high-risk areas and very high-risk groups that must be promptly controlled.

Hanoi's important epidemic prevention measure is to implement strictly social distancing measures according to the government’s Directive 16. At the same time, the city will make the most of social distancing days to quickly trace and separate F0 cases from the community.

The opening ceremony of the school year 2021 - 2022 in the city will be held online.

Hanoi will continue to test all cases with symptoms of cough, fever, and breathing difficulty and conduct large-scale testing in high-risk areas.

The capital city will also speed up vaccinations, giving priority to frontline forces, foreign experts and workers, and people over 65 years old.

Huong Quynh

40% of Covid-19 cases in Hanoi found through electronic medical declaration screening

40% of Covid-19 cases in Hanoi found through electronic medical declaration screening

As many as 13,579 people reporting coughing and high temperature on medical declarations turned out to be positive cases, amounting to 40 percent of total cases of the city.