VietNamNet Bridge – Many newly built infrastructure works in HCM City have deteriorated quickly due to frequent tinkering with design and poor quality of work, experts have said.


The overpass at the My Thuy intersection in HCM City’s District 2, which developed cracks almost as soon as it opened to traffic. Photo

The management of quality of traffic infrastructure has been poor, Nguyen Van Tam, deputy director of the city Department of Transportation, admitted.

Bridges, overpasses and roads have developed cracks, causing public concern over the poor quality of construction, he told a workshop held to appraise the management and quality of traffic works on Thursday.

The overpass on Vo Chi Cong Street at the My Thuy intersection in District 2, for instance, developed cracks and a depression in the road almost immediately after it opened to traffic on June 29.

Some sections on Mai Chi Tho Street in District 2 have badly subsided though it has been upgraded several times.

Nguyen Ba Hoang, an official at the HCM City Association of Bridge- Road- Port, said substandard consultancy, survey and design result in repeated adjustments to designs and technical solutions.

Moreover, the process of identifying consultants for supervising construction is not transparent, he said.

This affects the quality and progress of construction projects, he said.

State management agencies should review and draw up practical regulations to make transparent the selection of competent contractors and consultants, he said.

Dinh Viet Ha, deputy general director of Thang Long Consultancy Supervising Construction Project Quality JSC, said the quality of projects is severely affected by delays since it then causes multiple changes to design.

The delays are usually caused by tardy land acquisition and clearance, he said.

He said State management agencies should work with universities, research institutes and experts to set up consultancy teams for individual projects.

Source: VNS