VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan has asked all districts to develop housing policies for migrants based on specific characteristics of each locality.


Mien Tay (Western) Coach Station in Binh Tan District. HCM City is seeking solutions to develop housing policy for migrants. — VNS Photo Ngoc Diep

Rapid population growth could change the structure of industries, creating favourable conditions for localities to quickly boost key economic sectors.

“Addressing problems arising from migration issues, we must focus on finding solutions in the fields of social security, housing, education and travel to ensure that everyone can enjoy the same benefits,” Nhan said.

Tran Huu Tri, Party secretary of District 12, said on average more than 22,000 people added to the district’s population each year are migrants from other provinces and cities.

“This number is equal to the population of a ward in the district,” he said.

Rapid population growth has created an important resource for economic development, but it has also created social problems related to housing, education, safety, and security, he said.

In recent years, Go Vap District’s population has increased by about 280,000, most of whom are migrants living and operating small businesses or services.

Le Hoang Ha, chairman of Go Vap District’s People’s Committee, said the district’s available land does not meet the rising demand of residents, while construction of high-rises in the district is not allowed because it would affect the airport.

“This issue poses obstacles for State management agencies,” he said.

Nhan said that all districts should promote social housing projects and build housing for rental purposes.

“Opening more schools, health facilities, parks and entertainment areas could help migrants have stable lives and contribute to the city’s development.”

With limited land, the city should consider mixed-use housing for working and living, and upgraded residential areas with commercial and service activities. 

Source: VNS

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