VietNamNet Bridge – Young artists of the HCM City Drama Theatre will stage a historic play about the Mau Than offensive that occurred in the spring of 1968 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day on July 27.


High drama: Young HCM City Drama Theatre actors will stage Nguoi Me Thu 2, a historic play about the Mau Than Offensive in Spring 1968, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day on July 27. —

Nguoi Me Thu 2 (The Second Mother) features liberation soldiers and their families who lived in Sai Gon before and after the Mau Than 1968 offensive during the country’s longest war of resistance, which lasted 30 years.

Using historic events, the play depicts true stories about soldiers and their sacrifices that can help younger generations make independent evaluations of the conflict.

“I used information from books and reports by Vietnamese historians and veterans to complete my script,” said playwright Nguyen Anh Kiet, who spent many years writing the play.

“I wanted to tell my story in a lively way that would encourage young audiences to learn about history through art,” he added.

Directed by Le Dien, Nguoi Me Thu 2 features young talents Anh Tuan, Mai Phuong, Cong Danh and Le Vinh, offering a new style of performance.

"The Mau Than offensive is familiar among Vietnamese people. Though we’re not experienced, we believe we can deliver this drama about the experience to audiences,” said actor Tuan, who plays a leading role.

“Through the play, my colleagues and I gained lessons about love for country and the respect for those who sacrificed their life for the country," said Tuan, a graduate of HCM City University of Theatre and Cinematography.

Tuan promised to provide theatre fans "a great show with my strong voice, appealing and powerful stage presence”.

The play will be performed before the public on July 26 at HCM City Drama Theatre, 30 Tran Hung Dao Street, District 1. It will be staged every Saturday night through August.

Director Dien and his staff will also offer free performances for students at universities and colleges around the city.


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