VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment is working with other agencies to identify polluting facilities that should be shut down or relocated to new areas in the city’s outskirt.


The city said that 163 polluting facilities will be relocated far from a residential area in District 12. — Photo

Nguyen Thi Thanh My, deputy director of the department, said since 2003 the city had relocated and shut down more than 1,400 polluting facilities.

However, after more than 10 years, many polluting facilities are still open, affecting the quality of life in districts 12, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh and Cu Chi.

Inspections found that 163 facilities were causing pollution. The city’s People Committee has asked these facilities to treat their waste and reduce pollution.

An additional 21 facilities located in Dong Hung Thuan Ward in District 12 were asked to relocate far from the residential area. To date, 16 of more than 21 facilities have been relocated.

The People’s Committee said it was considering solutions to relocate the rest of the facilities to production areas as soon as possible.

The department said all polluting facilities would be relocated by 2020.

Source: VNS

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