VietNamNet Bridge – The 25th HCM City International Track & Field – Viet Nam Open 2018 will take place at Thong Nhat Stadium on July 26 and 27.


Vietnamese runner Quach Cong Lich will compete at the 25th HCM City International Track & Field – Viet Nam Open 2018. — Photo

The event will see the participation of 400 athletes from 40 provinces and cities nationwide and 120 foreign athletes from 11 countries and territories. They will compete in 21 categories, the organisers said.

According to Nguyen Trung Hinh, secretary general of the HCM City Athletics Federation, the annual event is an opportunity for teams to assess their athletes before the Asian Games (ASIAD 2018) in Indonesia this August.

The two-day event is being jointly organised by the municipal Department of Culture and Sports and the Athletics Federation of HCM City. 

Source: VNS