This is one of the city’s solutions to establish and develop “a digital government, digital economy and digital society”.

Vo Thi Trung Trinh, director of the city’s Digital Transformation Centre, said the centre is developing the "HCM City Metro Connect" app to be used on smart devices.

The app is developed with the understanding that the specific needs of people in each locality are different, and thus call for customisation.

City dwellers only need their citizen ID card number to sign in to the app.

“This useful app is a meaningful milestone for the city and the whole country in general,” she said.

The app will combine all useful features of current applications controlled by State departments and agencies.

Any state units without their own apps yet can now integrate their databases into the app.

All databases will be run on the official digital map of the city and have their precision checked to ensure it can best satisfy the public’s demands in real time.

For example, city dwellers in Binh Thanh district with a wish to visit a hospital can access the app to identify the nearest medical institute certified by the city’s Health Department. When wanting to learn more about any promotional campaigns launched by the city’s Department of Industry and Trade, they can use the app.

Bus passengers can find full information about routes passing through their location, including time and fare.

When in operation, the app will be linked to the city's neighbourhoods and hamlets.

Based on user data from the app, the city will calculate how to offer digital transformation services to each resident, making it even more convenient to follow administrative procedures.

The app will also further promote the process of digital transformation in education, healthcare, tourism, and social security in the city.

Currently, there are several apps of different state departments in the city with their own features to serve the public.

For instance, the city’s Transport Department is managing the app ‘TTGT TPHCM’ (Traffic Order in HCM City), to provide real-time traffic updates to travellers about their intended route and a route finding feature.

Another app, ‘UDI Maps’, by the city Urban Drainage One Member Co. Ltd. provides the latest updates and warnings related to the tide, urban flooding, current rainfall, as well as forecasts of the possibility of flooding due to rain on roads in the city.

The city’s Department of Planning and Architecture has its app called ‘Thong Tin Quy Hoach TPHCM’ (HCM City’s Planning Information) to offer planning data in the whole city to individuals, organisations and businesses.

Each district itself has developed its own app to serve local residents, mostly to track the progress of administrative procedures, to deliver feedback, and to register for public services.

They have been effective tools to maintain the link between residents and local authorities./. VNA