The HCM City Stock Exchange (HoSE) has officially become a partner of the Sustainable Stock Exchange (SSE) Initiative of the United Nations, along with top stock exchanges in the world.

In a press release issued on May 18, the HoSE stated that joining the SSE will enable it to create conditions for the firm to share and construct matters related to sustainable development based on good principles and practices.

Located in HCM City, the HoSE, a state-owned legal entity, has a private seal and a private account and runs as a limited company. It was converted from HCM City Securities Trading Centre following the Prime Minister's Decision No. 559/2007/QD-TTG on May 11, 2007.

The SSE was established in 2009 by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, and United Nations Environment Programme Financial Initiative.

The purpose of the SSE is to facilitate cooperation between stock exchanges and management agencies, legislative bodies, investors, enterprises, and related organisations all over the world. This collaboration will enhance transparency in corporate governance, enable parties involved to discuss and commit to corporate responsibilities toward the environment and society, as well as publish their sustainable development reports.

Among the SSE partner exchanges are the Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange, the Bombay Stock Exchange, the Colombian Securities Exchange, Deutsche Burse, and the Jamaica Stock Exchange, as well as the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the Egyptian Exchange, the Lima Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange Group and the Mexican Exchange.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Warsaw Stock Exchange are also partners of the SSE.