Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son, who has been reprimanded. - Photo: VNA

The deputy minister had earlier been reprimanded as a disciplinary measure by the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, the local media reported.

In early November last year, the Inspection Commission stated that the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Ministry of Health in the 2016-2021 tenure had violated the Party’s principles and the Party Civil Affairs Committee’s working rules. It showed a lack of responsibility, slack leadership and poor supervision, making it possible for the Ministry of Health, the Vietnam Drug Administration, many clinics and individuals to violate the Party’s regulations and the State law on building and issuing policies and licensing the import, bidding and purchase of drugs, medical equipment and supplies.

These violations caused serious consequences, losses and a waste of the State’s capital and assets, losses for the health insurance fund, affected the Party’s and the State’s directions to protect the health of local residents, sparked public concern and damaged the prestige of Party organizations and the healthcare sector.

Son served as Deputy Minister of Health since November 2018 after holding the post of director of Cho Ray Hospital in HCMC. During the Covid-19 pandemic, he led a team of the Ministry of Health to large hotspots, such as Bac Giang, Bac Ninh and HCMC, to direct the fight against the pandemic.

Source: SGT

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