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The proposed design of the pedestrian bridge across the Saigon River, inspired by the shape of a nipa palm leaf. Photo: Joint venture Chodai - Takashi Niwa Architects and Chodai Kisojiban Vietnam.

This project update was revealed following a meeting led by Phan Van Mai, Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee, during the 5th session of the Standing Committee of Major City Projects and Public Investment Briefing.

During the session, Chairman Phan Van Mai agreed to include the pedestrian bridge project in the list of the city's major projects. Nutifood Nutrition Food Joint Stock Company will take the lead, sponsoring and covering all related expenses for the project.

The pedestrian bridge will be constructed according to the city’s previously approved design and planning, with an estimated funding of 1,000 billion VND. The 500-meter-long bridge will start from Bach Dang Wharf Park in District 1 and connect to the riverside park in the Thu Thiem New Urban Area in Thu Duc City.

Inspired by the nipa palm leaf, a distinct feature of the southern Vietnamese region, the bridge’s architecture is expected to captivate both locals and tourists. The city believes this unique design will enhance the visual appeal and attraction of the urban landscape.

According to the city's Department of Transport (DoT), this pedestrian bridge is the largest project in Vietnam to be fully funded by private sponsorship.

The bridge will be designed to withstand seismic events up to level 7, strong winds, and the dynamic load of large crowds.

In addition to serving pedestrians, the bridge will feature lanes for cyclists and accommodate individuals with disabilities. In emergencies, the bridge will also be designed to allow ambulances to pass through.

Tuan Kiet