As a mountainous province with many difficulties, but with solidarity, creativity and innovation, the local Party Committee, government and people have made efforts and determination to successfully implement the Resolution of the 17th Party Congress of the term 2020 - 2025.

Hoa Binh authorities have set four strategic breakthroughs to help the province develop quickly and sustainably. The province aims to reach the national development average by 2025 and to become a well-developed province in the region by 2030.

Good economic growth 

Hoa Binh is committed to creating the most favorable conditions for investors.

In 2023, despite many difficulties and challenges in socio-economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in the province have shown high determination and promoted dynamic, creative spirit, and achieved positive and comprehensive results in all fields.

In the first six months of 2023, the scale of Hoa Binh economy at current prices reached nearly 28,000 billion VND. Investment capital disbursed in this period is estimated at nearly 10,600 billion VND, up by 4,160 billion VND or 64.69% compared to the same period last year.

Exports were estimated at 771.47 million USD during this time, an increase of 11.79% over the same period last year, equal to 45.51% of the plan for 2023. Total retail sales of goods were estimated at more than 6,000 billion VND, up more than 38% year on year. State budget revenue was estimated at 1,920 billion VND, 74% higher than the same period last year. The average consumer price index increased by more than 1.4%.

In the first half of 2023, the province had 200 newly registered enterprises with a total registered capital of more than 2 trillion VND; 159 enterprises registered to temporarily suspend production and business activities; 146 enterprises voluntarily dissolved; and 89 businesses returned to the market.

So far this year, the province has created jobs for 7,641 workers, reaching 47.7% of the year plan. The rate of communes meeting new rural standards is about 56.66%.

The fields of culture, society, education, health, sports and welfare have been implemented effectively. People's lives are cared for and improved. State management of ethnicity and religion is carried out well. Political security, social order and safety is maintained, national defense is guaranteed.

Regarding the trade and service sector, a price stabilization program has been organized in the province, with the participation of 5 businesses, with a total funding of 52.7 billion VND, up 12% over the previous year. At the same time, the local authorities have promoted inspection, supervision, and prevention of speculation, hoarding, and price increases, especially items subject to the price stabilization program.

The province successfully organized the National Brand Week on the occasion of the Vietnam Brand Day (April 20, 2023). It has also organized and participated in fairs, exhibitions, and conferences connecting supply and demand in the locality and other localities throughout the country. Along with that, many promotions and discount programs have been implemented to stimulate consumer demand. The province has also well implemented the task of protecting consumer rights.

Tourism activities in Hoa Binh province have gradually recover. In the first 6 months of the year, the province welcomed 2,360,000 tourists, including 180,000 international visitors, an increase of 28.8% over the same period last year, reaching 67.4% of the year plan. Total revenue from tourism is estimated at 2,300 billion VND, up 16.2% year on year, reaching 59% of the 2023 plan.

Improving the investment environment

With potential and prospects, Hoa Binh province is determined to remove obstacles in mechanisms and policies to attract investors.

In addition to general preferential policies, Hoa Binh has designed a number of preferential mechanisms and policies such as corporate income tax exemption for the first 4 years, 50% reduction for the next 9 years; exemption and reduction of land rent and water surface rent; import and export tax exemption...

The province has issued a policy to encourage investment in the agricultural sector according to Decree No. 210/2013/ND-CP of the Government, a policy to encourage investment in the field of hi-tech agriculture, processing industry and processing agricultural and food products...

With the desire to cooperate effectively with businesses, investors, and international organizations, Hoa Binh always opens its doors to welcome domestic and foreign investors, especially in the fields of high-tech agriculture; manufacturing industry, processing industry, trade, services and tourism... Investors will be given the most favorable conditions to successfully implement projects and ensure sustainable development in the future.

Continuing to improve the business environment, Hoa Binh province has issued documents assigning responsibilities to departments, agencies, district and city People's Committees in improving component indexes of the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI); established a working group to support investors, a working group directing the implementation of non-budget capital invested projects and key projects in the province; a working group to promote disbursement of public investment capital.

However, land access and site clearance are still bottlenecks in the province. In the coming time, the local government will focus on site clearance and minimizing unofficial costs in order to gradually improve the business environment.

To improve the quality of human resources, Hoa Binh province has reviewed, designed and developed the system of public vocational training institutions in an open, flexible direction, meeting the needs of the labor market. The province has poured investment in key industries such as automobile technology, electrical engineering, electronics, information technology, restaurants, hotels, and food preparation techniques.

The local authorities have also promoted digital transformation, associated high-quality human resource training with the needs of society and businesses, reasonably balanced the ratio of trained labor qualifications, occupations, and quantity of training for each field and each locality in the province; promoted career guidance through promoting vocational training.

Pursuing the motto "Accompanying businesses and investors", Hoa Binh province is committed to creating the most favorable conditions, an open, transparent and equitable investment and business environment for a stable and prosperous development of businesses. The local authorites have maintained regular contacts with investors and businesses to timely collect information, promptly issue directions to remove difficulties and obstacles for them, and are ready to welcome investors who come to research and explore investment opportunities in Hoa Binh.

The province has strengthened leadership and direction on administrative procedure reform; compiled and issued documents to direct agencies and units to promptly and effectively implement central and provincial regulations on administrative reform, and well implemented the one-stop mechanism in handling administrative procedures;

Coordinated with relevant agencies to advise on the implementation and implementation of the one-stop mechanism in handling administrative procedures in the province; reviewed and recommended to abolish illegal, unnecessary, unfeasible business conditions in specialized laws.

Continued to seriously implement publicity and transparency in receiving and resolving administrative procedures at the Provincial Public Administrative Service Center, the bureaus receiving and returning results of administrative procedure handling at district and commune levels; ensured that 100% of administrative procedures to be published, fully disclosed and 100% of administrative procedure dossiers received and processed at agencies and units to be tracked on the processing status on the Provincial Administrative Procedures Information System, synchronized with the National Service Portal so that people and businesses can monitor and evaluate the process.

Ensured that 100% of administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the 3 levels of local government to be handled under internal processes and updated online on the provincial Administrative Procedures Information System. 

Promoted the handling of online public services and online payments; Accelerated the process of digitizing records and results of administrative procedures according to regulations; ensured that 100% of the results of administrative procedure settlement to be provided with legally valid electronic copies for people and businesses.

Quynh Nga