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Truong Anh Tuan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hoang Quan Real Estate Consulting - Trading - Services Joint Stock Company. Photo: HQC

On July 17, the Can Tho City Tax Department announced a notice regarding the temporary suspension of Tuan's exit from Vietnam. Tuan, 60, is the Chairman of Hoang Quan Group and Hoang Quan Can Tho Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company (HQC).

According to Notice No. 2920 from the Can Tho City Tax Department, Tuan is temporarily prohibited from leaving the country because he is the legal representative of the Hoang Quan Can Tho Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company, which is currently under coercive enforcement of an administrative decision on tax management and has not fulfilled its tax obligations.

This decision has been in effect since June 19.

The Can Tho City Tax Department's announcement also stated that as of May 31, the Hoang Quan Can Tho Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company, a subsidiary of HQC, owed over 6.1 billion VND ($240,000) in taxes.

The department indicated that Tuan will only be permitted to leave the country once the company fulfills its tax obligations.

Previously, Mr. Tuan had been temporarily banned from leaving the country by the Vinh Long Tax Department due to tax debts of the Hoang Quan Mekong Real Estate Consulting - Trading - Services Joint Stock Company. This decision was lifted on June 19.

The Hoang Quan Can Tho Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company was established in 2008 and is one of the member companies of the Hoang Quan Group system.

Hoai Thanh