VietNamNet Bridge - To get good quality caviar, sturgeons are raised in a warm and clean environment for about 10 years.

When the fish are old enough, they are taken from the breeding areas for ultrasound scans before their eggs are taken.

The entire egg collection and classification process must be performed by hand to ensure absolute accuracy and not miss any eggs.

After harvesting the eggs, the fish are cleaned and frozen to sell to restaurants or to be used for processing smoked sturgeon.

Prices for commercial sturgeon meat (males or females not used for eggs) range from VND200,000 to VND270,000 ($10-12) per kilo. The meat of sturgeons from which eggs were harvested is somewhat more valuable, at VND250,000 - VND300,000 ($12-15) per kilo.

After the pre-processing stage, eggs are marinated in salt imported from France in order to remain fresh and have a pure taste. Boxes containing caviar are made of gold-plated tin.

Some pictures on caviar processing:


With a price of up to tens of thousands of dollars per kilo, sturgeon eggs are often described as black diamonds on the dinner table. Sturgeon eggs are mixed with specialized salt imported from France.




{keywords} Sturgeons are raised for 10 years before they yield eggs. The average weight of these fish is up to tens of kilos. Each fish yields eggs equivalent to about 10-15 percent of its weight.





When the fish are old enough, they are taken from the breeding areas for ultrasound scans, in preparation for the harvesting of eggs.

Before taking eggs, fish must be cleaned.




Female fish are put on the operating table and the technicians use a knife to slit their bellies.






This step must be done by hand to ensure absolute accuracy and not miss any egg.




{keywords} Eggs are removed from the stomach of the fish before the fish is frozen to sell to restaurants.




{keywords} The egg follicles are rolled on a net sheet. The technician lightly rubs [the sheet?] and caviar falls into the pot underneath.




{keywords} Eggs are then washed with water.










And  mixed with pure salt.




{keywords} The salt is imported from France, with a price of VND900,000 ($45) per kilo.






Boxes containing caviar are disinfected.





Caviar is filled into boxes from 30gr to 500gr in weight.






The boxes are made of gold plated tin.





Affixing the label to the boxes is the last step in completing the product.

