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Dao Quang Vinh, Director of Huawei Vietnam Solutions. Photo by Trong Dat

In the Asia-Pacific region, Huawei has built data centers in countries with average and developed economies, including Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. However, Vietnam is not yet on this list.

Dao Quang Vinh, Director of Huawei Vietnam Solutions, told VietNamNet that Vietnam's cloud computing market is developing rapidly and is very appealing to investors. However, the cost of building a data center is substantial, and investors are waiting for a significant breakthrough to ensure a better capital recovery time.

At the sideline of New Horizon Business Summit 2024, Mr. Vinh highlighted the fast-paced digital transformation in Vietnam as a key driver of the growing demand for cloud computing services.

"The demand for cloud computing services in Vietnam is increasing not only from end users but also from telecommunications providers and large IT companies, all of which are making significant investments in computing infrastructure," said Mr. Vinh.

He added that the cloud computing market in Vietnam is poised for explosive growth, driven by sales of public clouds and on-premise services. Following the post-pandemic economic recovery, the demand for computing services is expected to continue rising.

When asked about Huawei's plans to open a data center in Vietnam, Mr. Vinh stated that the company is still evaluating the market. "When the market demand reaches a certain threshold, Huawei will build a Data Center," he affirmed.

In 2023, McKinsey predicted that the global data center market would grow by 10% annually until 2030, with total spending on new facilities reaching $49 billion.

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An engineer operates in a Viettel data center. Photo: Trong Dat

In Vietnam, a report by Viettel in early 2024 estimated that the Vietnamese cloud computing service market would surpass $1.2 billion by 2030, maintaining an annual growth rate of 11-12%.

While Vietnam's cloud computing market size is currently over 50% compared to some regional countries, it boasts the fastest growth rate in Southeast Asia and was ranked third in Asia in 2023, with a 19% increase.

Despite its potential, Vietnam still lags behind countries like Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia in market size. However, data center services are increasingly shifting from primary markets (developed countries) to secondary markets (developing countries), including Vietnam.

Vietnam's rapidly evolving digital landscape and the increasing demand for cloud computing services make it a promising candidate for Huawei's next data center. As the market continues to grow, investments in infrastructure and technology will likely follow, further enhancing Vietnam's position in the cloud computing sector.

Trong Dat