VietNamNet Bridge – Local administration and provincial agencies are investigating illegal logging in the Bac Tra My District’s protective forest.


Chopped timber in a Bac Tra My District forest left for transport.  

Tran Anh Tuan, Chairman of the district’s People’s Committee, confirmed the ongoing investigation to the Viet Nam News yesterday, saying that the illegal forest destruction has occurred in Tra Son and Tra Giac communes – some 70km away from the provincial capital Tam Ky City.

Tuan said the district, in co-operation with provincial rangers, examined the destroyed area in the two communes, finding that four big logs were cut down.

However, a local source said illegal logging has occurred in the area for long time, with well-organised loggers and transporters. 

Local residents said dozens of big trees – with diameters from 40cm to 60cm – had been logged or already sawed into panels for transport.

Some villagers said they were hired to carry wood from the forest to the roadside with a cost of between VND300,000 (US$13.27) and VND400,000 ($17.7) for each trip.

The destroyed forest areas are under the management of the Bac Tra My Ranger sub-department and the management board of Song Tranh protective forest.

The chairman of the district said the case is under investigation, and a detailed report on the illegal logging will be announced later.

Last year, Quang Nam Province punished several officials after illegal logging operations were discovered in La De Commune in Nam Giang District.

The provincial investigation agencies said a total 115.4cu.m  of Po Mu timber (Fokienia hodginsii) – a threatened species on the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Red List in 2006 – were chopped down or sawed into panels in Nam Giang District. 


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