VietNamNet Bridge – In a forest of water coconuts and reeds is a small village with a dozen tin roof houses. From here, one can see the luxury apartments buildings, Saigon Pearl and The Manor.



Under the foot of Thu Thiem Bridge is a small village which is about to be removed for the construction of new residential areas. Being abandoned for a long time, this area has become a "forest" in the heart of the city.







It is hard to imagine that HCM City with its high-rises and frenetic pace still has such a wild and deserted area like this.







The families have not been satisfied with the compensation paid by the city and they are determined to stay here.

Photo: The trail to the village.






These men plants bitter melons on grounds of households that have left.







All of the toilets in the village discharge waste to the river.






To earn a living, they do river-related jobs like building boats, fishing out floating timbers or collecting rubbish.






Their daily life takes place in the stinking mud.







In the evening, they sell tea and soft drinks for visitors to earn extra income.







Mrs. My Nhon said: "Life is really very difficult. When it rains, our house seriously leaks and when the river water rises, our house floods. We don’t know what the future of our children will be."







Mr. Dam is also depressed when talking about the current situation. He said they were all waiting for the decision of the authorities.


















Construction has started, and these households will eventually have to leave the area.

