The official visit to Vietnam by Indian Air Force Chief Arup Raha from September 9-11 is expected to bolster the traditional friendship, mutual understanding and trust between the two countries and peoples, particularly in defence relations.


Minister of National Defence General Phung Quang Thanh (R) receives  Indian Air Force Chief Arup Raha.

Minister of National Defence General Phung Quang Thanh made the assertion while receiving Arup Raha, who is also Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC), in Hanoi on September 10.

Thanh said Vietnam continually bears in mind the valuable assistance from India in the cause of national liberation and construction, adding that the bilateral strategic partnership in recent years has reaped positive outcomes across the board, including in defence.

The bilateral defence partnership has been increasingly promoted since the two defence ministries signed the Vietnam-India joint vision statement on bilateral defence relations from 2015-2020 last May, which benefits each country and contributes to peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region and beyond, Thanh said.

For his part, Air Force Chief Arup Raha said India attaches great importance to its relations with Vietnam and is impressed with the Southeast Asian country’s achievements in national liberation and construction.

He informed the host of the outcomes of his talks with Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty, during which the two sides exchanged issues of mutual concern as well as put forth numerous measures to enhance Vietnam-India defence collaboration, such as increasing delegation exchanges, training cadres and sharpening English language and information technology skills.