iPhone 5s

Update news iPhone 5s

Vietnamese spending more money on smartphones

VietNamNet Bridge - The average price of smartphones sold in Vietnam is VND5 million, higher than last year’s price of VND4.2 million.

iPhone 5S still bestseller in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge - iPhone 5S, a smartphone launched three years ago, was among the bestselling phones in the last six months in Vietnam.

iPhone 5S, 5C officially sold in Vietnam today

 VietNamNet Bridge - Only half an hour after opening sale, the yellow iPhone 5S in a Vinaphone shop in Hanoi were sold out. At the shops of Viettel, customers had to draw lots to buy iPhone 5S.

For Vietnamese, iPhone 5C expensive, iPhone 5S has small screen

Vietnamese have expressed their disappointment on sci-tech forums about the newly launched Apple’s super-products. iPhone 5C is believed to be too expensive, while iPhone 5S still use the 4 inch screen.

iPhone 5S cannot be cheaper in Vietnam

The biggest private iPhone 5 distributors in Vietnam have affirmed that the current price of iPhone 5 16GB at VND16 million won’t decrease in the time to come, at least until the next generation of iPhone series hits the market.