The 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly adopted a resolution on countering the evolving threats of terrorism, with two thirds of approval vote during its plenary session on March 31.

The resolution, proposed by Australia and Belgium on March 29, calls for combating terrorism in any forms in line with the United Nations Charter and the fundamental principles of international law.

It strongly condemns fundraising activities in support of terrorism, urges countries to adopt a common strategy on population management and propose measures to share information.

The document also asks for the use of legislative channels to enforce anti-terrorism resolutions adopted by the IPU Assembly and the United Nations Security Council.

The same day, the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade discussed and ratified the Resolution “Shaping new mechanisms on water resources management: to promote parliamentary action in water and sanitation issues”.

The Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) convened its second session where they discussed the progress of the 2012 IPU Resolution on “The basic rights to access health care; the role of parliaments in addressing key challenges securing the health of women and children” .

The 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132) opened in Hanoi on March 28 and will wrap up on April 1.

It brought together over 160 participating international delegations, including those from IPU member parliaments, associate members, and foreign organisations, to discussions on a wide range of issues, including cyber warfare, anti-terrorism, and water governance.

IPU-132: interaction between UN, parliaments under spotlight

The interaction between UN country teams and national parliaments as seen via outcomes of IPU field missions was the main topic of the March 31 session of the Office of the Standing Committee for UN Affairs as part of the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132) in Hanoi.

At the session, representatives from a dozen countries shared the outcomes, experience and lessons drawn from the tripartite collaboration among the IPU, the UN and national parliaments. They were of the view that timely assistance from the IPU and UN agencies helped enhance the capacity of national parliaments, promote the engagement of women in parliamentary activities and design agenda that really benefit the people.

Vietnam’s representative at the session Ha Minh Hue, member of the Vietnam National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations, talked about the results of two IPU-organised field trips in Vietnam in 2009 and 2014 that were focused on HIV/AIDs control efforts.

He said the information and experiences gained from the field trips proved to be useful for the international community in the fight against HIV/AIDS, adding that participants took note of the Vietnamese NA’s political will as well as its support of world efforts in this field.

The Vietnamese representative affirmed that the tripartite partnership proved to be effective and needs to be maintained.

The session also made assessment of parliaments’ institutional capacities to mainstream new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) into their work.

Participants underlined the role of parliaments in promoting the SDGS, which are set by the UN on the basis of encouraging results over 15 years implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

They said sustainable development is the world’s top priority in the context of macroeconomic instability in many big economies, increasing inequity, serious environmental degradation and ongoing conflicts and spreading epidemics.

Delegates said parliaments should create necessary legal corridors for SDGs implementation and push communication campaigns and activities towards these goals, which are expected to be approved by the UN by the end of this year.

Vietnam’s representative Ha Minh Hue noted that the country has fulfilled most of the 8 MDGs, particularly those related to hunger elimination and poverty reduction.

He agreed that the establishment and effective implementation of SDGS are necessary for the next period, adding that Vietnam has been building institutions for sustainable development, including the adoption of a national strategy for sustainable development in 2011-2020 and a national plan of action for 2013-2015.

The Vietnamese NA is resolved to promote the implementation of the SDGs while intensifying its cooperation and coordination with the IPU and the UN, he said.

IPU 132 – ASGP elects new Vice President

Philippe Schwab from Switzerland was elected the new Vice President of the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP) on March 31 under the framework of the ongoing 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly (IPU).

The ASGP is a consultative organism of the IPU, which aims to facilitate personal contacts between its members, and to study the law, practice and procedure of parliament.

In conjunction with the IPU, the ASGP cooperates with those Parliaments which request legal and technical assistance and support, proposes measures for improving the working methods of different Parliaments and secures cooperation between the services of different parliaments.

At this event, the ASGP worked out measures for improving the quality of operational efficiency of parliaments and discussed issues related to relationship between the public and the media.

Parliaments discuss role in ensuring health care for all

The Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) convened its second session on March 31 in Hanoi, where they discussed the progress of the 2012 IPU Resolution on “The basic rights to access health care; the role of parliaments in addressing key challenges securing the health of women and children”.

Participants focused their discussion on the actions of IPU’s member parliaments in solving urgent socio-economic issues concerning health protection and care for women and children.

They also pointed out challenges faced in implementing the Resolution, while underlining the need to prioritise overcoming these issues after 2015.

Vietnamese delegates reasserted Vietnam’s commitment to implementing its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and agreeing to international conventions related to the health of women and children.

They urged IPU member parliaments to pay heed to issuing legal documents on health care, especially for mothers and children, and to roll out policies to promote the effective implementation of these laws.

Vietnam suggested the IPU organise forums for its member nations to exchange information and share experience in making health laws, adding that this is a necessity in order to build and monitor regional and global health care networks for women and children.

In recent years, the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) has institutionalised international conventions in the field, with regulations on the responsibility of the State in investing in health care for people, covering universal health insurance and ensuring the right of every person to access healthcare services.

Many laws were adopted and revised in line with the country’s situation. The NA Standing Committee on Social Issues also implemented laws focusing on reproduction and child health care, especially in ethnic minority and remote areas.

Parliaments’ role critical to development goals realisation

Delegates at sessions of the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132) have agreed over the past few days on the necessity of improving the role and responsibility of parliaments in promoting the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The IPU-132 is currently being held in Hanoi under the theme “Sustainable Development Goals: Turning Words into Action”.

National Assembly Vice Chairwoman and head of the Vietnamese delegation Tong Thi Phong agreed with the basic content of the 17 draft SDGs from the United Nations.

She suggested sustainable development be based on three pillars: ensuring economic growth, protected environment, social equality and progress; increasing the role of parliaments and parliamentarians through issuing, revising and supplementing legal documents relating to the SDGs implementation; and promoting the establishment of global partnerships through building trust and determination among parliaments.

She also noted peace and security are the prerequisite cornerstones for the effective development and implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda and SDGs.

Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Setya Novanto said his country, with two-thirds of its area covered with water, supports the inclusion of the content on water and maritime resource use in the SDGs. He asked parliaments to take the SDGs into consideration as they pass laws in their respective countries.

Meanwhile, Canadian parliamentarian S. Ataullahjan said the SDG agenda needs to focus on women and children, and the implementation of the 17 SDGs must be done under strict supervision by parliaments.

M.Di Bartolomeo from Luxembourg urged parliaments and parliamentarians to raise public awareness of sustainable development challenges. He highlighted countries’ mutual dependence in the current globalised world, adding the critical importance of working together to realise the SDGs.

He added almost all Luxembourg parliamentarians have agreed to use 1 percent of the country’s GDP as official development assistance through 2018 to join global efforts in alleviating poverty, generating jobs, ensuring access to medical services, and protecting human rights.

All countries should exert every effort to fulfil the SDGs, said M.Al Ghanim from Kuwait, adding that each nation should employ appropriate measures to implement these goals, based on each country’s specific development level.

The IPU-132, opened on March 28, will run through April 1.