VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam and Japan are likely to agree to speed up consultations on Japan 's provision of patrol ships for Vietnam to better cope with China 's rising maritime assertiveness in the East Sea.

The agreement is expected to be reached during a meeting in Hanoi between Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minster Pham Binh Minh and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, Kyodo news agency quoted a source from the Japanese Government as saying.

Kishida is planning to visit Vietnam from late June to early July to promote cooperation in ensuring maritime security in the East Sea and the East China Sea, the source said on May 22.

The two FMs are expected to affirm that Tokyo and Hanoi will never tolerate any attempt to alter the status quo through coercion or force, it added.

They are also likely to reach a consensus on the increase of communications with the Philippines and other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to deal with Beijing's territorial ambitions.

Minh and Kishida will agree to urge ASEAN and regional powers at a regional security forum slated for early August in Myanmar to act in unison over China’s moves.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, in his interview granted to Reuters in Tokyo on May 22, said Vietnam is closely watching how the Philippines fares in an international court over its maritime territorial dispute with China.

He affirmed that Vietnam will use all measures provided by international law to protect its legitimate interests.

During his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo the same day, Dam thanked Japan and other countries for raising their voices against China’s acts.

He reiterated that Vietnam will not join forces with any ally but it wishes to receive continue support and assistance from Japan and other countries to enhance the protection of its waters.

Source: Vietnam Plus