VietNamNet Bridge – Land erosions have caused major damage to property in Ca Mau Province’s Nam Can District, the Vietnam News Agency reported on May 20.


Reprentatives of the local authority visit the location of land erosion in Nam Can District of Ca Mau Province. — Photo

The erosion wreaked continuous havoc for three days in the riverside communes of Lam Hai, Hiep Tung, and Nam Can Township, causing a number of houses to fall into the river.

Tran Van Nho’s house was one of those swallowed by the river in the early morning of May 20. While no lives were lost, he suffered damages amounting to millions of dong.

Previously, 24 households in Nam Can Township were also affected by a major land erosion.

The households of Nguyen Gia Phuc and Huyen Viet were the most severely affected.

Initial estimates pegged losses at VND500 million (US$24,000).

Landslides are still likely to occur along dangerous cracks in the ground, threatening 22 households in the area.

The landslide in the Hiep Tung Commune swallowed 1,800cu.m of riverside soil and damaged 30m of roads.

“The landslides in the district have become more and more complicated,” To Hoai Phuong, chairman of the Nam Can District, said.

The local government has made plans to evacuate people from the disaster zones and to offer assistance to help the affected population restore production levels and restabilise their lives, Phuong said.

Local people has also been trained to prepare for the land erosions, he said.

Source: VNS

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