VietNamNet Bridge – The inauguration of a statue of Uncle Ho with ethnic groups of the central highlands was held on December 9 in Pleiku City in the central highland province of Gia Lai.

The occasion was of very great political significance, which expressed the deep feelings of fellow country men in the central highlands for beloved Uncle Ho.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and local people from Gia Lai Province attended the ceremony.
The 10.8m high statue of late President Ho Chi Minh stands with his right hand waving and is the biggest bronze statue in Vietnam. It also includes a 5.4 meter stone platform, and a 60 meter long, 12 meter high stone relief.

The statue stands on a 4.5m throne on a 12 hectare square in the centre of Pleiku City. Behind him is a circle of stone relief works with scenes of daily life and fighting activities of local people.

Work on the largest statue of revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh began two years ago.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Party General Secretary Trong recalled the warm love that President Ho showed to ethnic people in the Central Highlands throughout his lifetime. At the same time, the people see him as their beloved father, who showed them the way to overcome all hardship to gain freedom, independence and a happy life.

The Party leader expressed his belief that with their tradition of solidarity and self-reliance, Gia Lai and other Central Highland provinces will follow the teachings of President Ho and the revolution path he had chosen towards the goal of a strong country, rich people and a democratic, equitable and civilized society.

“President Ho Chi Minh never visited the Central Highlands but his love for the region was great. The monument is the love of people in the Central Highlands to Uncle Ho,” Trong stated.

The same day, a Gong Festival took place at the square with performances by more than 2,000 artists, both professional and amateur.

On the same day, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited and met with key officials from Dak Nong, during a fact-finding tour of the Central Highlands.

The Central Highland Province of Dak Nong needs to fully exploit its potential in land forestry and mining to develop industrial crops and high-tech agriculture, he remarked.

Mr. Trong affirmed the province's important role and position in socio-economy, security, defence and foreign affairs. He hailed the local Party committee, authorities and people for making significant socio-economic development progress this year.

Despite economic difficulties, Dac Nong's exports are estimated to increase 38 percent over the previous year and budget collection by 22 percent. The poverty rate is estimated to fall by 3 percent to 23.8 percent of the total number of households. Living standards, education, health services and infrastructure have also all improved.

Dak Nong should promote the rural area and implement sustainable poverty reduction programs, while strengthening land and forestry management, protection and exploitation, the Party leader stressed.

At the meeting, he also urged Dak Nong to improve resettlement for local people. Sharing the difficulties experienced in the implementation of Nhan Co Aluminium Plant, Trong stressed the need to continue the project for its potential benefit to Dak Nong.

Earlier, he visited Quang Tam Commune in Tuy Duc District, an especially challenging area where over 40 percent of the local population live under the poverty line, and presented gifts to State-policy beneficiary families.

Separated from Dak Lac in 2004, Dak Nong covers an area of 650,000 hectares with a population of 520,000 from 40 ethnic groups.

The province is endowed with natural resources like bauxite, and has cool and favourable weather conditions for the development of industrial crops like coffee, rubber, cashew nuts and pepper.

Source: SGGP