VietNamNet Bridge – Three months in the making ‘South country, the South of country’, an art collaboration project between ZeroStation in Vietnam and Outsiders factory in Taiwan has finished with opening  an exhibition to the public at ZeroStation on Sunday.

Visitors look at the collaborative artwork Micro city by Bui Cong Khanh and Lin Shu Kai.

The show includes architecture, drawings, video art, performance art, installation art and graffiti.

However, this final exhibition of the project is not only a conclusion space where all materials which are documents and artworks of artists participating in the project displayed but it is a moving step for a new development, a new project.

The combination of six artworks/projects/document including both text and visual data by 12 artists who are both Vietnamese and Taiwanese in a final exhibition is to make a domain possibly imitating the contradicting nature of a relationship space which is at the same time both absolutely independent and dependent, both absolutely documentary and symbolic, both disorganizing and self-controlling, both pubic and private.

Via that, a relationship space that could lay beyond all simple definitions not only about contemporary art will be built, but also about all other factors that relate to it

The exhibition will contain six artworks/projects by six pairs of artists, Taiwanese and Vietnamese. They are “In the light”, by Truong Cong Tung and Adiong Lu, “Crossing the lines”, by Ngo Thuy Duyen and Lin Hsin Her, “If living is seeing, please hold your breath”, by La Huy and Cheng Ting Ting, Untitled #1 (goodbye song) and Untitled #2 (For Elise) by Ngo Dinh Truc, “Platform movie” by Lin Jin da, “Ideal lifestyle in Hochiminh city” by Lin Wan Yu and Lam Hieu Thuan and the “micro city” by Bui Cong Khanh and Lin Shu Kai.

The exhibition will also include a documentary room on the process of collaboration between artists in both Taiwan and Vietnam

The show runs until January 13 at ZeroStation, Quarter 288, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street in District 3.

Source: SGT