VietNamNet Bridge – Law makers agreed that some articles of the Residence Law should be revised in order to make state residential management more effective, especially in inner areas of central provinces and cities.


Photo: VNN

Discussing the amendments at yesterday's meeting (March 21) of the 16th session of the National Assembly's Standing Committee, deputies backed a proposal that would add to the law a prohibition against committing forgery in order to register for permanent residence. Those who illegally allowed others to register for permanent residence at their homes, for instance, would be punished under the law.

Some deputies suggested that many other common behaviours should be prohibited, such as fake marriages and falsified recruitment documents.

The bill also added a regulation allowing citizens to register for permanent residence in cities directly under the central Government if they reside in rented accommodations or live with an individual or organisation and their housing meets conditions regulated by the municipal People's Council. NA's Law Committee Chairman Phan Trung Ly said that this regulation should target inner areas of cities rather than entire urban areas.

Deputies agreed with a proposal to extend temporary residence from 12 months to 24 months in order to reduce administrative procedures.

Ksor Phuoc from the NA's Nationalities Council said that the bill hadn't yet tackled residential issues in mountainous, remote and rural areas, such as the issue of illegally established villages in mountainous areas.

"Many residential villages have been established illegally in forests due to illegal emigration and weaknesses in residential management. In some districts, 80 per cent of residents are immigrants," said Phuoc.

The bill is scheduled to be submitted for the National Assembly's consideration at the fifth session of the NA next May.

Source: VNS