VietNamNet Bridge – On February 19, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front held a conference to collect opinions on the draft amended Constitution. Many delegated focused analysis of Article 4 of the Constitution.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh.

Former Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front--Pham Xuan Hang said, Article 4 of the draft amended Constitution says about the leadership of the party to the State and society is needed. Leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a historical necessity for the revolutionary cause of Vietnam. However, the expression in the draft is not enough.

Specifically, according to Mr. Hang, Clause 3, Article 4 stipulates: "The Party organizations and Party members operate in the framework of the Constitution and the law." This content is also expressed in the party charter, defined within the party, just as the Party's commitment to society. But at the same time this is also a necessary provision for all citizens and all organization which must live and work in accordance with the Constitution and law.

Mr. Hang proposed to modify the contents of the above clause as: "The leadership role of the Party is guaranteed by law and established by law."

According to Hang, that adjustment creates the foundation to ensure the legal position of the Party as "the only force leading the State and society," to create the basis for the party to be "the subject under the supervision of people," especially, "being responsible before the people for its decisions" of the Party to be specified by the laws of the State. This is the foundation to request all party organizations and all party members to directly take responsibility before law for their leadership behaviors.

"This is not a new issue. In the trend of perfecting the socialist state of law, we think that this is one of the fundamental issues of proving political transparency,” Hang said.

Former Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front--Pham Xuan Hang.

Also comments on Article 4, Mr. Hoang Thai, the former member of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front suggested having the law of the Party.

Thai said that Article 70 of the draft amendments to the Constitution says: the People's Armed Forces must be absolutely loyal to the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country and the people; has the duty to protect independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country, national security, social order and safety; to protect the Party, State and people, the socialist regime, and to join the people in building the country and implement international obligations.

"After nearly 70 years, the four Constitutions stipulated that the armed forces are loyal to the country and people... Uncle Ho said that in any circumstance, the country and people must be put above all," Thai said.

Thai added that with the content on "the Party’s leadership," the editing board should consider the writing style to avoid the patronizing.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh proposed to write one more sentence: the people implement their supervision of the Party under the provisions of social surveillance and social critic.

Le Nhung