When selecting the method to provide online games, enterprises need to give heed to the following matters: licenses to provide electronic game services, decisions approving game content and script, and procedures on notifying and registering with competent authorities, among others.


In order to provide electronic games offering interaction between multiple players via a game server system, enterprises must obtain a License to provide electronic game services and a Decision approving game content and script granted by the Ministry of Information and Communications for each online game to be supplied. In the event enterprises, being online game service providers, arbitrarily conduct business activities without such Decision, they will be fined 50 million to 70 million VND.

To be granted a License to provide electronic game services, enterprises must first have a Business Registration Certificate for provision of online game services. In addition, it is required for enterprises to register domain names for service provision and to have sufficient financial and technical capacity, organizational structure, personnel suitable to the operation scale and protective measures for information safety and security.

The validity of the License to provide electronic game services is determined according to the enterprises’ request but not exceeding 10 years. Enterprises establishing systems and equipping to provide online game services without the aforementioned License or using an expired License will face a fine ranging from 70 million to 100 million VND.  

Regarding electronic games with interaction only between the players and the game server system, electronics games with interaction among multiple players without interaction between players and the game server system, and electronic games downloaded from the Internet without interaction among players and between players and the game server system:

Enterprises are permitted to provide the aforementioned services once obtained a Business Registration Certificate for provision of online game services without having to register for neither License to provide electronic game services nor Decision approving game content and script. However, enterprises must carry out the procedures on registration and announcement of electronic game service provision as required by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

In the event where enterprises provide electronic game services without a Certificate of registration of electronic game service provision or such Certificate is expired, a fine of 50 million to 70 million VND will be imposed. Furthermore, enterprises will also face a financial penalty of 30 million to 50 million VND in case of lack of a written confirmation certifying the completion of procedures on announcement of electronic game service provision.

Additionally, these enterprises must satisfy the following conditions such as having registered domain names; certain financial, technical, organizational, and personnel abilities; and protective measures for information safety and security.