VietNamNet Bridge – A live show honouring motherly love and filial piety will take place on September 22 in Hanoi.


A mother’s love: Singer Duy Cuong (right) and Ngoc Son (left) perform together at the press conferene introducing the live show. — VNS Photo Minh Thu

Entitled Tinh Mau Tu (Mother’s Love), the music show is the debut of singer Duy Cuong, winner of the Bolero Idol singing contest 2018.

The show includes songs celebrating parents who dedicate their lives to their children.

It gathers famous singers of bolero such as Ngoc Son, Giao Linh and Thai Chau.

Singer Son, jury member of the Bolero Idol singing contest, said Cuong is not a professional singer but he expressed a talent and passion for music.

“Cuong has improved his singing technique since the contest,” said Son. “Cuong has now become an important name in this genre.”  

Though he holds a PhD in philosophy and currently works as a lecturer at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cuong still nurtures a passion for music. He joined the singing contest and impressed the audience and jury board.

Early this month, Cuong released a music video extolling love for his mother. The video proved popular and attracted millions of views online.

In the video, Cuong reflects on his family’s difficulties and memories of his childhood. His mother had to work hard to earn money to raise children and care for Cuong’s father after he was involved in a traffic accident.

He made the music video and live show to celebrate the annual Buddhist festival of Vu Lan, an event that eulogises motherly love, held in the seventh month of the lunar calendar. This year it will fall on August 20.

Source: VNS

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