Vietnam's milk export market has been expanded to nearly 56 countries and territories globally, according to the Vietnam Dairy Association (Photo:

Vietnam's milk export market has been expanded to nearly 56 countries and territories globally, according to the Vietnam Dairy Association (Photo:

Over the past five years, especially in the 2020 to 2021 period, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the business activities of several sectors and fields, including the dairy industry. However, thanks to the joint efforts in overcoming these difficulties, the dairy industry has still been able to record an impressive growth rate in terms of output, products, and revenue.

According to the Vietnam Dairy Association (VDA), before the initial global COVID-19 outbreak, dairy enterprises faced numerous obstacles, such as logistics problems and product distribution, with many factories, farms, and distribution stores forced to suspend their operations due to the ranging pandemic.

Recognizing these challenges in order to avoid supply chain disruptions, dairy businesses have made every effort to both maintain their traditional distribution systems and promote modern distribution systems by intensifying business activities through e-commerce platforms.

Most notably, dairy businesses have expanded their export markets by actively conducting research and increasing investment in a bid to market many products which can meet consumers' need.

Upon entering the period of post-pandemic economic recovery despite enduring many difficulties, the VDA forecasts that the development prospect of the Vietnamese dairy industry remains very large.

Accordingly, the demand for milk and dairy products, including immune-boosting nutritional foods are prioritised for selection, while high-value dairy products are also expected to increase sharply moving forward.

Furthermore the National Strategy on Nutrition for the period 2021 to 2030 with a vision towards 2045 is said to be the driving force for the entire dairy industry as it strives to make every effort to promote milk consumption at a higher level.

As an organisation representing the dairy business community with 118 members, after being in operation for over six years, the VDA has made an active contribution to promoting the development of the Vietnamese dairy industry. This has served to bring the voice and aspirations of member enterprises to all levels and sectors, whilst also demonstrating the role of cohesion and co-operation as a bridge between local businesses.

Assoc. Dr. Tran Quang Trung, chairman of Vietnam Dairy Association, emphasized that thanks to efforts made to overcome the "COVID-19 storm", along with the support of the policies implemented by the State, dairy enterprises were still able to achieve an average annual revenue of 5% over the past five years. Indeed, the output of liquid milk and powdered milk both enjoyed impressive growth, whilst the dairy industry is one of the livestock industries with the best growth, he stressed.

Committed to accompanying businesses, the VDA affirmed that it will further enhance its role as an organisation representing the dairy business community. In line with this, it will serve as a bridge to step up co-operation between members in order to improve the overall competitiveness of enterprises in the process of economic integration and development, Dr. Trung added.

Source: VOV