VietNamNet Bridge – Ly Son Island District in the central province of Quang Ngai consists of three islands: Dao Lon (Big Island), Dao Be (Small Island) and Hon Mu Cu (Mu Cu Islet).


Nets Ready: Fishermen preparing to go offshore at Sa Ky Port. VNS Photos Thai Ha

The Big Island, also known as Cu Lao Re, hosts Ly Son’s centre, while Mu Cu Islet, the smallest of the three islands, is currently unpopulated.

Located 30km from the mainland, the island district is famous for growing garlic, as well as its growing reputation amongst tourists. Weather on the islands is generally cool and sunny year round.

With its striking geographical features and stunning landscapes, built from volcanic eruptions over millions of years, the Ly Son Island District could be considered Vietnam’s equivalent of South Korea’s Jeju Island.

Volcanic eruptions have formed various beautiful features on the islands such as Hang Cau (Cau Cave), and the Thoi Loi volcano mouth, which boasts a beautiful lake, and an aerial view of the entire island district.

Sa Ky Fishing Port is a must visit area with boats coming and going throughout the day from 4am. Tourists can buy various sea products from locals at cheap prices.

The most convenient mode of transport on the islands is by motorbike, a selection of which can be rented from VND100,000-120,000 (US$4-5) per day. A night in a hotel here costs between VND250,000-350,000 ($11-16) on average.

Security on the islands is taken seriously, and as a result motorbike theft is very rare. Locals require that drivers and passengers wear helmets at all times while on a motorbike.

It ought to be noted that the local dialect in Ly Son is rather unique, at times puzzling visitors from other regions of the country. 


Delicious: Seafood at the night market by Sa Ky Port.


Aerial View: From a peak on the Small Island.


Landscapes: Tourists visit a geological formation on the Big Island.


Local Wares: Locals sell garlic at a tourist hub on the Big Island.


Picturesque: Boats at Sa Ky Port.


Weathered: Moss covers rocks at Sa Ky Port.Picturesque: Boats at Sa Ky Port.


Hungry: Local style grilled sea fish.

Source: VNS

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