To express his deep respect and profound gratitude for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a man from Nam Dinh stayed awake for four consecutive days and nights to sculpt a commemorative statue. The passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has left an immense void in the hearts of many Vietnamese people, inspiring numerous tributes to his legacy.

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Upon hearing the news of the General Secretary's passing, Lu Thanh Luan, residing in Y Yen District, Nam Dinh, began working tirelessly on a lifelike statue of the late leader. Despite the usual requirement of several weeks, or even months, to complete such a detailed sculpture, Luan finished his work in just four days and nights. Driven by his profound admiration for Nguyen Phu Trong, Luan worked from memory without the need for reference sketches.

Luan shared, "When I heard about the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, I was deeply saddened. I have long admired his simple lifestyle, his close connection with the people, and his unwavering dedication to the nation. I wanted to do something to pay tribute to him, so I set aside all other tasks and focused solely on sculpting his statue. I worked continuously for four days and nights, only taking brief naps when exhaustion overcame me."

He chose cam xe driftwood for the statue, explaining, "I selected this wood because its color closely resembles human skin. Carving on this material allows the natural grain to be preserved, making the sculpture appear more lifelike over time."

Creating a lifelike statue from driftwood is never easy. From a rough piece of wood, using only basic tools like saws, sanders, and chisels, Luan skillfully crafted a vivid and realistic portrayal of the General Secretary, capturing the essence of his character. He also included the image of Ho Chi Minh behind the General Secretary, symbolizing their shared dedication to the nation.

After completing the statue, several people expressed interest in purchasing it. However, Luan clarified that his sleepless efforts were not driven by financial gain. He hopes to have the honor of presenting this heartfelt tribute to the General Secretary's family.

Luan has been a portrait sculptor for 12 years, specializing in driftwood. This challenging journey has required immense perseverance and dedication. His creativity and passion for wood carving have earned him a loyal customer base and widespread recognition.

In addition to the newly completed statue of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Luan’s collection includes portraits of other Vietnamese luminaries such as Tran Quoc Tuan, President Ho Chi Minh, and General Vo Nguyen Giap. Through each piece, Luan aims to honor those who have contributed to Vietnam's development and to inspire a love for the nation among the younger generation.

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Trong Tung