VietNamNet Bridge - Many National Assembly deputies said that amending the Constitution this time is a precious opportunity to more strongly assert the country’s sovereignty.

1992 Constitution revision draft made public for feedback

The lighting and wind power system on the Truong Sa Island.

Deputy Pham Duc Chau of Quang Tri province said that in Article 1 of the Constitution, after the confirmation of the national sovereignty, the Clause 1 of Article 11, "The Vietnam Fatherland is sacred and inviolable" should be added.

Then, the Article 1 will be written into: The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a democratic, independent country, with sovereign unity and territorial integrity, including the mainland, islands, waters and the airspace. The Vietnam Fatherland is sacred and inviolable.

Deputy Pham Trong Nhan of Binh Duong province said that it is necessary to study carefully to make sovereignty claims to the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands in the Constitution.

"This is sensitive content and a long and hard struggle, but I think this is a ripe and very necessary opportunity for us to express strong statement about sovereignty with the clear historical evidence and the support of the majority of world opinion. Maybe today we cannot realize it but with the tenacious will of the people of Vietnam, I have a firm belief that the next generation will make our announcement today, that is the territorial integrity and sovereignty integrity of Vietnam is immortal, invulnerable," he said.

Deputy Trieu La Pham of Ha Giang proposed to add a separate article on marine and island resources.

"Our country has a large sea, filled with rich and diverse resources of large reserves, which allows us to develop the marine economy. But the exploitation of marine tourism, fishing and aquaculture, oil and gas, marine and coastal economic services are not specifically planned, with small scale. The management of these resources should be consistent with the Constitution and laws, to ensure effective exploration of the marine economy and marine environmental protection…,” he said.

Clause 2, Article 11: "All acts against the independence, sovereignty, territorial unity and integrity, against the country construction and defense career are severely punished according to the law," also received a lot of opinions from deputies.

Lawyer Truong Trong Nghia of HCM City suggested amending it as follows: "All acts against the independence, sovereignty, territorial unity and integrity of the country, against the country construction and defense career, harming the interests of the country and people are prohibited and severely punished.

Deputy Do Huu Lam of Long An, noted Article 13 of the 1992 Constitution interpreted all plots and actions against the career of building and protecting the country... are severely punished, but Article 11 of the draft amendments deletes the word "plots and actions” to replace by "behaviors."

Lam said that "having plots then having behaviors. Once there is behavior and then being severely punished is too late.” He proposed to express as follows: "All plots and acts against the independence, sovereignty, territorial unity and integrity of the country, against the career of building and protecting the country, infringing upon the interests of the country and the people shall be severely punished according to the law."

Specifying the international mission of the army

All deputies agreed that Chapter IV on national defense must be confirmed as a very important task of the entire Party, people, the army and the political system.

NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu said: "The mission of national defense must be shown on all fields of politics, economics, culture, defense, security and foreign policy. It is a must to clearly define the objectives, the tasks of national defense and security, the core position of the people's army, the public security forces in the cause of national defense."

However, deputies had different opinions on "the armed forces implement international obligations." Deputy Nguyen Anh Son of Nam Dinh said that the addition of this task is "to create a solid legal basis for the armed forces to carry out its international obligations to contribute to protect peace in the region and the world.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Nguyen Huu Hung of Tien Giang suggested considering the ability of our armed forces to participate in peacekeeping tasks, ensuring non-traditional security abroad.

"This is a very serious problem that is not mentioned in the Constitution. For our country to perform its role as a responsible member of the United Nations, to show the proactive and positive spirit of us in international integration to contribute to protect the interests and enhance the position of Vietnam in the international arena, we must take into account this possibility," Hung said.

"However, in performing this task, we must take appropriate steps to ensure national interests and in accordance with the popular and the constitutionality and legality," he added.

Given that writing "implementing international obligations" is too broad, this deputy offered to only write "contributing to peacekeeping mission in the region and the world."

If you have any opinion on the amendments to the Constitution, please send it to

Chung Hoang