VietNamNet Bridge - Technology will continue to develop, online marketing will become more popular, and video will be more mainstream in 2016.



Analysts believe that in 2016, video marketing will serve as an important tool that helps businesses access consumers. 

A survey of comScore shows that videos account for 87 percent of online content such as blogs, articles and images. At least 96 percent of viewers click on links given, while 90 percent make decisions after they watch videos.

Other research also showed the importance of video. One third of online activities involves video watching. Eighty percent of people watch video while only 20 percent read articles on blogs. Ninety percent of people think it is helpful to watch videos about products.

The two common acts of netizens are ‘search’ and ‘share’. When consumers want products, they ‘search’ information on the internet. 

After they buy and use the products, they share their thoughts about the products with friends and relatives. 

Analysts believe that in 2016, video marketing will serve as an important tool that helps businesses access consumers. 

A Google report shows that Vietnam has the highest number of video viewers in South East Asia, while 91 percent of Vietnamese viewers share videos with friends and relatives.

Experts pointed out that when searching information with keywords, Google prioritizes video clips rather than entries. 

Tran Anh Tuan, CEO of The Pathfinder, a consultancy firm, said that videos with sound and image effects, attract customers’ attention more than text.

Success stories

Many businesses have succeeded with video marketing. Vietnam Soybean Company, for example, in its branding campaign in 2015, launched a music video clip ‘Nha la noi co Fami’ (Home is where there is Fami) which attracted 546,000 viewers just one week after launch.

Meanwhile, a music video clip launched by Omo, a detergent brand, attracted 846,000 viewers after one week.

Tuan said videos should not be ‘disregarded’, especially short films on social networks’ forums. comScore found that 80 percent of viewers remember messages shown by videos, 64 percent intend to buy products after watching, and 46 percent buy products.

Vietnam Digital Landscape 2015, the report of Moore Online Solution Development, said Vietnam has the highest number of internet users who watch videos in South East Asia. Videos bring high results to advertisers.

According to Tuan, Google plans to displays ad videos when showing searching results in the time to come. 

The big change is expected to create an advert video wave. 

Facebook has also recently sped up advert video development. It automatically runs videos on users’ Facebook pages while there is no need to click on the clip.