Many magazines have gone beyond their functions and produced content like newspapers, breaking the principles and purposes stated in their licenses.
Therefore, the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has been settling the problems, strengthening management and rectification of the operations of newspapers, magazines, news websites and social media.
For the first time, the criteria for recognizing such behavior have been clarified in Decision 1418 dated July 22, 2022.
Initially, MIC discovered 30 press agencies with such behavior.
In Phase 1, which ended in late September, MIC had working and inspection sessions at 16 press agencies. It released 11 decisions on imposing administrative fines, totaling VND616.5 million.
Of these, Doi Song va Phap Luat (Life and Law) were fined the most, VND138 million.
Meanwhile, Tri Thuc truc tuyen (Knowledge Online) Magazine was fined VND72.5 million, So huu tri tue va Sang tao (Intellectual Property and Creativeness) VND50 million. Two Editors-in-Chief were fined VND3.5 and VND7 million.
MIC agencies are completing examinations and inspections at Doan nhan va Phap ly (Businessman and Legal Issues) magazine, Tai Chinh Doanh Nghiep (Business Finance) and Nha Quan Ly (Manager).
They are going to issue decisions on punishing Viettimes, Nhip Song So (Digital life rhythm) and Tap chi dien tu ky thuat chong hang gia va gian lan thuong mai (e-magazine on anti-counterfeit goods and trade fraud).
All the punished press agencies have admitted their mistakes and shortcomings, complied with the sanctioning decisions and made commitments to rectify the operation, and check content and strictly follow their principles and purposes.
The press agencies have removed thousands of news items and articles with content which doesn’t follow the principles and purposes assigned to them.
Most governing bodies whose press agencies were fined pledged to fix violations and strictly follow regulations.
MIC will implement the second phase of the plan in October. It is expected to inspect 15 press agencies.
The ministry will strictly punish press agencies if it discovers violations, or will even revoke licenses of press agencies if the violations are serious and have lasted a long time.
Four press agencies have voluntarily suspended the operation of their five specialized websites in order to correct their activities, and four press agencies have stopped cooperating with other units to produce content.
T. Nhung