
Update news millionaire

Vietnam has nearly 200 super-rich men

 VietNamNet Bridge - While the numbers of super-rich people in the major emerging economies of the world such as China and Brazil are declining, that in Southeast Asian has increased, particularly Vietnam and Thailand.

Publication no more a profitable industry

VietNamNet Bridge – The golden age of traditional publishing houses is over, and it is no more a profitable business.

The 30 richest stock families in 2012

The majority of the names listed in the top 30 stock millionaire families have seen their assets increasing despite the economic downturn and the declines of the stock indexes.

The 50 richest stock women in 2012

Nearly half of the members on the list of top 50 stock millionairesses have been managing big enterprises in the stock market.

What Vietnamese millionaires spend money on?

VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese millionaires are rich enough to spend billions of dong on a bird cage, millions of dong on a Canadian gooey duck, or thousands of dollars on tiny shrimps.

The odd habits of the Vietnamese tycoons

They are millionaires, but they keep the habits of country dwellers. These could be the habits of a lifetime.