VietNamNet Bridge – While playing with friends, a boy in the central city of Quang Ngai accidentally got a mini-battery shoved up his nose. It remained there for over five years without being detected by doctors.


The battery taken from the boy’s nose.



Tam Tri Hospital in Da Nang City on April 7 conducted a laparoscopic surgery to remove a button-sized battery from the nose of the 10-year-old, Huynh Quoc Cuong.

Cuong was hospitalized a few days ago when acid leaking from the battery caused inflammation to his nasal walls and cavity, with risk of necrosis. Determining it to be a rare and dangerous case, doctors performed an <urgent | emergency> operation.

"If the boy had not been operated on immediately, acid would have eroded his nasal bone, affecting his respiration," says Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hoang, Head of the Ear-Nose-Throat Ward.   

The patient's family says over five years ago, the foreign object accidentally entered the boy’s nose. At the time, the family brought Cuong to several hospitals in Quang Ngai, but doctors did not detect any foreign body.

Le Ha