A lucky licence plate number put on auction. — Photo baogiaothong.vn

The Ministry of Public Security has proposed auctioning motorcycle licence plates with lucky numbers, following the success of car licence plate auctions over the past time.

The starting price of a motorcycle licence plate put up for auction is VNĐ5 million. The price would increase by increments of 10 per cent of the starting price (from VNĐ500,000).

The ministry also proposed auction winners would have the right to register the licence plate with police where the number plate is managed or where the winners reside.

The auction of plates would not be available to military enterprises doing business and foreign organisations and enterprises, diplomatic missions, representative offices of international organisations and foreigners working in foreign and international agencies and organisations operating in the Vietnamese territory.

According to the ministry, the car licence plate auction has met public demand for plates with lucky numbers, created transparency in licence plate’s registration and management, and at the same time, increased State budget.

The auction has received public consensus, the ministry said, noting that since September 15, 2023, more than 15,100 car licence plates have been auctioned.

Nearly VNĐ840 billion has been collected for the State budget. — VNS