VietNamNet Bridge - Deputy Minister of Information & Communication Truong Minh Tuan said in an interview with VNE online newspaper that the Ministry would take comprehensive measures to prevent "malicious information" on social networks and blogs that harm national interests.

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Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Truong Minh Tuan.

- The recent 10th Central Party Committee discussed media planning from now to 2025. Could you tell us about the orientation of this scheme?

- In terms of viewpoint, the press is an important propaganda tool of the Party and State, the people's forum, which is under the direct, comprehensive leadership of the Party, managed by the State and operating in the framework of the law.

The State should create conditions for the press to serve the political and propaganda mission, and encourage the media to mobilize resources to strengthen development, but the media has to ensure that it has correct principles and objectives, not pursue pure profit, and not be under private ownership and not be dominated by interest groups.

The fact shows that the number of press agencies and publications has increased rapidly in recent years, but the structure is not very reasonable. Some ministries, sectors, social organizations and local agencies run many newspapers and information websites. Some print newspapers have many additional publications with the content unsuitable with the original purposes. The system of radio and television of provinces and cities are invested with wide broadcast capability, which outstrips the ability to produce programs.

Press development must conform to the trend of the development of science and technology and development trend of information and communication in the world. Inefficient press agencies will be reviewed and reorganized.

- What are the opportunities and challenges created by the strong development of social networks and new forms of communication on the Internet?

- The world is now envisioned as a flat world, everyone has the opportunity to access information quickly and most comprehensive information about any event wherever it happens. Vietnam is not outside the rule.

This is an opportunity but also poses challenges for management agencies. A lot of malicious information, which is contrary to the habits and customs, and in some cases, contrary to national interests, against the state and the regime is also spread on the Internet.

The Prime Minister once said that we cannot prohibit online information. We have no policy to prevent social networks. However, the bad and harmful news must be prevented by being proactive in releasing early, correct information.

- A number of websites and blogs post different information about state leaders. What is the viewpoint of the Ministry of Information and Communications?

- On social networks, there are blogs that fiercely oppose the Party, the State, smear and slander many senior leaders, such as quanlambao, danlambao ... and other blogs. The bad, harmful news, if not being prevented in a timely manner, will have a significant impact on the aspirations, feelings of the people, causing suspicion in society.

The Ministry has cooperated with relevant agencies to prevent wrong information on individual blogs. We have recommended the press strengthen official information in the mass media to combat wrong and slanderous information on websites based overseas, to enhance the qualification of journalists and have good reporters directly fight against wrong and harmful information online.

The core issue is how to prevent the harmful effects of wrong and harmful information on the whole society. Each must equip himself with knowledge and adapt himself to resist harmful information. In the coming time, the authorities will take more comprehensive measures to prevent malicious information on the Internet, so the online environment will develop more healthily, to meet the needs of society.

* Vietnam currently has 845 print newspapers, with 1,118 publications, one national media agency; 67 local radio and television broadcasting stations, 179 TV channels, 98 online newspapers and 1,525 news sites, 420 social networks, nearly 18,000 licensed journalists and about 5,000 correspondents who have yet to be granted journalist cards.