The Ministry has just requested people's committees in provinces and cities and the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to deploy investment in synchronous construction of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) on major roads and highways.

According to the Ministry of Transport, currently, a number of roads have been completed and are using the ITS system, promoting efficiency in the process of management, operation and maintenance, improving traffic capacity and ensuring traffic safety.

Seeing this positive outcome of ITS installation in major roads and highways, the Ministry of Transport requested people's committees in provinces and cities and the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to direct specialized construction agencies, investors and consultants to study and pour investment in the building of ITS system and traffic management center.

The Ministry of Transport noted that the ITS system and traffic management center need to comply with current standards and the ‘Orientation project for investment and operation of intelligent traffic systems on highways’ which has been approved by the Ministry of Transport.

The Ministry of Transport requires that the equipment of the system must be modern for synchronous and effective connection between road traffic management centers and the national ITS system management center. The implementation of construction investment needs to comply with legal procedures and regulations to ensure transparency.

According to the ‘Orientation project for investment, operation and exploitation of smart traffic systems on highways’, in the period 2023-2025, the Ministry of Transport will develop national ITS planning and architecture until 2030 as well as perfect the system of legal documents, prepare and implement investment in ITS systems for existing and ongoing expressway routes.

From 2025 to 2030, the Ministry of Transport will deploy the construction of a national ITS management and operation center and operate the national ITS management and operation center for the expressway system.

In the period after 2030, the ITS system of expressways will be fully invested in the connection of local ITS centers to the national traffic management center nationwide.