VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City-based boy band 365’s first MV (music video) has been nominated for the 2017 Cong Hien (Devotion) Award for Best MV by the Vietnam News Agency’s The Thao & Van Hoa (Sports & Culture) newspaper.



HCM City-based boy band 365 has been nominated for the Cong Hien (Devotion) Prize for Best Music Video presented annually by The Thao & Van Hoa newspaper. (Photo: VNS)

After beating MVs from pop idols Dong Nhi and Ho Ngoc Ha, the band was nominated for their success in singing modern folk music.

Their MV, Bong Bong Bang Bang, is about young men in love, based on a Vietnamese fairy tale.

The song was first written for children by Only C, one of Ha Noi’s young music producers, but was later remixed for the adult audience. 

On the MV, four members of 365 perform the song in traditional costumes, leaving a strong impression on audiences, both young and old.  

“We wanted to sing in a different way than other young singers. So, we decided to sing Bong Bong Bang Bang, a folk song, instead of a pop or dance number. We hope our MV provides fans with a new taste,” said the 28-year-old Issac, head of 365.    

Nearly 100 music critics and reporters from prestigious newspapers and magazines submit votes for the Cong Hien Awards.

Issac and his band will compete with Ha Noi-based colleague, Hoang Thuy Linh, for the prize.

Linh, 29, worked with composer Ho Hoai Anh, who is experienced in folk music, to challenge her vocal range. Her MV, Banh Troi Nuoc (floating rice dumplings), combines folk and western music, accompanied by several instruments and electronic music.     

Her album includes beautiful scenes capturing famous landscapes across the country. It received a mixed response from fans and critics.

“I think Banh Troi Nuoc has enough quality to compete with MVs produced professionally by Asian artists,” said music director Doan Minh Tuan of HCM City.

Tuan said that he would vote for Linh’s album.

Three other nominees for Best MV of the Year include Cause I Love You from Noo Phuoc Thinh, Gui Anh Xa Nho (For You) from Bich Phuong and Phia Sau Mot Co Gai (Behind a Girl) from Soobin Hosng Son.

All of the MVs in pop and dance music are productions by new faces.

The three singers are under 30 years old and have worked with leading composers and showbiz organisers to produce music on stage and in the studio.

The Cong Hien Awards are presented annually to the best show, album and artist in nine categories.

The traditional categories include Best Music Video, Best Album, Best Musician, Best Producer, New Talent, Best Singer, Best Show and Song of the Year. There will also be an award for the Best Series of Music Performances.

The awards ceremony will take place at the Hoa Binh Theatre, with a live broadcast scheduled on Vietnam Television, in mid-April.

"Through our prizes, we hope to support music artists in their work, encouraging them to contribute more to the country’s music industry," said Do Doan Phuong, the newspaper’s deputy-in-chief and member of the organising board. 


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