VietNamNet Bridge – The HCM City Opera House will stage an An Ode to the Motherland on May 19 featuring a rare musical composition by a Vietnamese composer followed by a hit ballet performance.


The HCM City Opera House. — File Photo


Composer Vinh Lai's Mien Dong Thanh Dong (The Unshakable and Heroic East – Southern Motherland), which will premiere at the event, will be a rarely attempted four-movement symphony.

A release from the organisers, the HCM City Ballet and Symphony Orchestra, says since there have not been many works in a standard four-movement structure, Mien Dong Thanh Dong reveals great effort and creativity.

It is infused with strong flavours of southern folk music in a uniquely colourful and creative modern context as it shows profound humanity and philosophy, it adds.

The HBSO Symphony Orchestra will perform the symphony under the baton of Meritorious Artist Tran Vuong Thach.

It will be followed by ballet suite To Quoc (The Motherland) choreographed by People's Artist Ha The Dung, Luong Xuan Thanh, and Ta Thuy Chi and with music composed by Vu Viet Anh and La Y San.

The work, which premiered to acclaim in March, will be performed by top dancer Ta Thuy Chi and artists from the HCM City School of Dance's experimental theatre.

Tickets costing VND550,000, VND400,000, VND350,000, and VND200,000 – and VND150,000 for students – are available at the venue.