NA approves new government office chief


National Assembly (NA) deputies at the sixth meeting of the 13th NA on November 14 passed the Prime Minister’s proposal to appoint a new official to the post Minister-Chairman of the Government Office.

With 85.94 percent of votes, Nguyen Van Nen will leave his current position as Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education to take over the role, which was left vacant when previous incumbent Vu Duc Dam left to take over a Deputy Prime Minister portfolio.

On November 14, lawmakers are scheduled to consider an increase of the number of deputy chairman across NA bodies and the Council of Ethnic Minorities.

In the afternoon, they will discuss the draft Marriage and Family Law and draft amendments and supplements to the Law on Health Insurance.

VN to welcome Namibia president

Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba will pay an official visit to Viet Nam from November 18-20 at the invitation of President Truong Tan Sang.

The visit aims to boost the traditional friendship and co-operation between the two countries in economics, trade, investment, agro-forestry, education and transportation, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The two presidents will hold high-level talks in Ha Noi and witness the signing of a number of co-operation agreements.

President Hifikepunye Pohamba will meet with other Vietnamese leaders and attend a Viet Nam-Namibia business forum.

Party Secretary to visit India

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Nguyen Phu Trong will begin an official visit to India on November 19.

The visit will be made at the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

A Viet Nam-India Joint Declaration is expected to be issued during the four-day visit.

Vietnam, Laos work for border of peace

Vietnam and Laos have consented to fully abide by border management agreements signed in the past and strengthen cooperation for a borderline of peace, friendship and cooperation for mutual development.



The talks on November 12. (Source: VNA)



The agreement was reached at talks between Commander of the Border Guards, Lieut. Gen. Vo Trong Viet and Director of the Border and Mapping Department under the General Staff of the Lao People’s Army Syphanphut Thavong in Vientiane on November 12.

Accordingly, both sides will keep close checks over border areas so as to timely prevent and thwart sabotage plans by hostile forces while facilitating information and experience sharing.

Both host and guest expressed their satisfaction with campaigns to raise public awareness of border defence as well as twinning the two nations’ border localities to enhance their solidarity.

Over the past time, they have conducted thorough inspections along border areas, making it easier for businesses and citizens to do business and travel. The Vietnamese and Lao border guards have fought against crime, established diplomatic defence relations and beefed up education cooperation.

This year, the Vietnam Border Guard Academy trained nearly 30 Lao military officers and students while border guards from 10 Vietnamese provinces offered high-quality training to 270 of their Lao counterparts.

NA Chairman encourages great national unity

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has stressed great national unity is the decisive factor behind the country’s strength and remarkable victories.

Unity is a fine tradition of the Vietnamese nation, and upholding this tradition, the Great National Unity Day is held annually in residential areas across the country to gather and bring into full play the strength of individuals and organisations to contribute to local development, he said.

Hung was speaking on November 13 while attending a Great National Unity Day of local residents living in Hanoi’s Tran Hung Dao ward to mark the 83rd anniversary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

He called on residential areas to carry out more practical activities in response to campaigns launched by the Vietnam Fatherland Front so as to fulfil all development tasks in the locality.

He encouraged every family and resident in the ward to build up unity, striving to win the title “Cultural Family” and build a strong, prosperous and beautiful capital city.

Russian, foreign media praise Putin’s visit to Vietnam

Russian and foreign media on November 12 highlighted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Vietnam and praised the sound relations between the two countries.

The Russian News Agency RIA-Novosti ran an article, saying that Russia and Vietnam signed several important cooperation agreements to promote their comprehensive strategic partnership and that the talks and meetings between President Putin and Vietnamese Party and State leaders were very successful.

Meanwhile, Russia Today Television quoted Putin as saying that the relations between Russia and Vietnam are very special thus his visit to Vietnam aims to boost bilateral cooperation and partnership.

Radio The Voice of Russia (VOR) also spotlighted the event when Putin and Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang declared the opening of the 2013 Russian Culture Days in Vietnam, commenting on the growing cultural cooperation between the two countries.

Russia’s media also cited President Putin’ speech at a press conference on the results of his talks with President Sang in Hanoi, saying that the establishment of a free trade area between the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan with Vietnam will promote trade between the four countries and contribute to increasing two-way trade turnover among the sides.

The UK’s Reuters underlined the significance of energy and defence cooperation in the Vietnam-Russia relations, while the French news agency AFP said that Russia and Vietnam will further cooperate in offshore oil exploration in Vietnam’s continental shelf and deepen military ties.

The US-based Associated Press AP cited Putin’s statement which affirmed that Russia will continue providing modern military equipment for Vietnam.

Award bestowed on online newspaper

Vietnam News Agency's online newspaper Vietnam Plus was awarded the Labour Order, Third Class, yesterday for its contributions to the media industry.

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc presented the award on the occasion of the paper's fifth anniversary, hailing the efforts made by agency leaders as well as reporters, editors and technical staff.

Though it was created after many other online newspapers, Vietnam Plus quickly became one of the 15 leading domestic news websites, he said.

Given the rapid pace of development of global communications and social networks, quality information and credibility were necessary for such news sources, the deputy PM said.

He singled out programmes like, which promotes the connection of Vietnamese around the world, and, which introduces the capital in five languages.

Vietnam News Agency's general director Nguyen Duc Loi said that over the past five years, Vietnam Plus had continuously improved its professionalism, applying modern technology to provide readers with information in a timely and proper manner and promoting the image and trademark of Vietnam News Agency. officially launched a new interface yesterday, Nov 13.

Front leader hails efforts in boosting Catholic solidarity

Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan had a working session with Hanoi’s Committee for Catholic Solidarity in the city on November 13.

Chairman Nhan praised the efforts made by the municipal committee and its chapters at district and commune levels in connecting Catholics and local Party committees, authorities and fronts as well as in gathering their strength and promoting their patriotism.

He said it is necessary to maintain regular exchanges between local authorities and Catholic dignitaries and followers.

Hanoi is home to 470 Catholic parishes which operate under the Hanoi, Hung Hoa and Bac Ninh dioceses with 406 churches and places of worship.

The Committee for Catholic Solidarity of Hanoi and its chapters at all levels and the management boards of the Catholic parishes have actively encouraged Catholic followers to observe the Party and State’s policies and laws and participate in socio-political organisations.

The Catholics in the city have warmly responded to movements launched by the State and the Fatherland Front to boost production development and improve living conditions.

They have also supported the campaign to build a new style of rural areas and actively taken part in education development and charitable activities in their localities.

Vietnam works actively at ASEM-FMM 11

Vietnam has joined the host India and other ASEM members in affirming the forum as one of the important inter-regional cooperative and dialogue mechanisms in the time to come.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc, head of the Vietnam delegation to the 11th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, made the statement when talking with the press on the meeting, as well as Vietnam’s contribution to the event.

Taking place in New Delhi, India, on November 11-12, the meeting, themed “ASEM – Bridging partnership for growth and development”, comes as the most important activity of ASEM in 2013.

With the adoption of the President Statement with four important documents on cooperative directions and programmes of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in the time to come, it manifests ASEM’s joint determination in reviving the global economy as well as trust in the multilateral trade system, Ngoc said.

It gave priority to coping with non-traditional challenges, including water, food and energy security, environmental changes, disasters, epidemics, terrorism, network security, and maritime security and safety.

At the press conference, Ngoc said the member countries shared the views on the joint benefits to be gained by maintaining peace, stability, maritime security and safety and settling disputes by peaceful means in line with international law.

Many of them highlighted the recent achievements made by ASEAN and China in fully and effectively realising the Declaration of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and their efforts towards a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (DOC).

Ngoc said the contributions and initiatives made by Vietnam, especially on water resources management, received strong support and co-sponsorship from ASEM member countries.

They also applauded Vietnam’s first-time hosting of the 14th ASEM informal seminars on economy and human rights in 2014.

Established in 1996, ASEM now connects 51 member countries from Asia and Europe. ASEM nations make up around 60 percent of the world’s population, contribute 50 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP) and 70 percent of global trade value.

Personnel work tops legislature’s agenda on November 13

National Assembly deputies devoted the morning session on November 13 to personnel work.

They approved the Prime Minister’s proposal to appoint Minister-Head of the Government Office Vu Duc Dam and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh as new Deputy Prime Ministers.

Legislators later also voted in favour of the Prime Minister’s proposal removing Dam from his former duties at the Government Office.

The session also heard reports on the draft Law on Bankruptcy (amended) presented by Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court Truong Hoa Binh and Head of the NA Economics Committee Nguyen Van Giau.

In the afternoon, the deputies commented on the report reviewing the master plan on hydroelectric power development, focusing on state management in the sector, the quality, safety and operation of reservoirs and hydro electric plants, environmental protection, compensation and resettlement work.

They also went through proposed amendments to a resolution on the plan to build the Ho Chi Minh Road with most attention given to investment capital and the project’s quality and progress.

The legislature is scheduled to continue mulling over personnel work and discuss in groups the draft Marriage and Family Law (revised) and draft amendments and supplements to the Law on Health Insurance on November 14.

Vietnam actively contributes to protecting human rights

Together with running for a seat in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the 2014-2016 tenure, Vietnam has made numerous efforts to realise its view of human rights as a common value and aspiration of human beings as well as represent its consistent policy of respecting and ensuring human rights, and enhancing international cooperation in this field.

From achievements and experience from its comprehensive renewal process based on three pillars: economic growth, social progress and equality, and guarantee of human rights, Vietnam has made positive contributions to joint efforts by the international community to fostering and better protecting human rights in the world over the past 26 years.

In Vietnam , humans are both the target and motivation of its development. Every policy of the country aims to serve the people. Vietnam’s Constitution fully and comprehensively acknowledges all human rights on economic, social, cultural and civil issues.

Basic rights and freedom of human beings have been guaranteed in a more effective and fuller manner. Over the past five years, the country has maintained a high economic growth rate (about 6 percent on average), created additional 8 million jobs. The unemployment rate in urban areas fell to 4.5 percent while the rate of poor households dropped to 9.5 percent.

Social security has been ensured and people’s access to health care services has been improved, especially for children, poor and ethnic minority groups, while the human development index has been raising continuously.

Vietnam has fulfilled many Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ahead of schedule and is on track to reach the remaining goals.

Together with those achievements, the people’s active participation and voice have been heightened, with their rights being better guaranteed through the more effective performance of direct democracy rights, including the right to stand for election and to vote, and indirect ones via people-elected bodies such as the National Assembly and People’s Council at all levels.

The people also have the right to express their ideas and supervise the operations of the complaint and denunciation mechanism.

Press activities in Vietnam have developed strongly in both quantity and form while the access to and application of information technology and the Internet have boomed, making Vietnam one of the leaders in this field as valued by UN professional bodies.

Religious life has become busier with the development of all major religions in the world and locally-born ones, which was reflected by the increasing numbers of religious organisations, followers, worshipping places, training facilities and publications.

Vietnam is member to eight important international conventions on human rights, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; and the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Vietnam was the first country in Asia to ratify the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. In addition, the country joined 18 treaties of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

In December 2011, Vietnam ratified the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children; and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It recently signed the United Nations Convention against Torture.

The country has also voted for the Resolution on building the comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of older persons and will actively participate in the building of this convention.

Vietnam has proactively participated in international activities on human rights at UN agencies and forums to which it is a member. The country made active contributions to the affairs of the Human Rights Committee (2001-2003), the Socio-Economic Council (2000-2002), the Social Development Committee (2002-2004 and 2012-2014), and the UN Security Council (2008-2009).

In the framework of the UN Security Council, Vietnam hosted negotiations on the Statement of its President on “children and armed conflict” and Resolution 1889 on “women and peace and security”.

Vietnam highly values the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) under the Human Rights Council, considering it an effective mechanism to share information and experience as well as strengthen mutual understanding among countries, thus fostering and better guaranteeing human rights.

The Human Rights Council and its member countries appreciated Vietnam for its serious preparations for the first UPR Report in 2009 with plentiful contents and a constructive approach.

Vietnam accepted 93 out of 123 recommendations of the UPR Working Group and is actively implementing them.

In addition, regional countries acknowledged Vietnam ’s practical contributions to enhancing ASEAN solidarity and cooperation, including cooperation in human rights, especially in the building of the ASEAN Charter and Community as well as the establishment and operation of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).

Vietnam actively contributed to drafting the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, which was adopted at the ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in November 2012. The declaration affirmed that ASEAN commitments on human rights are in line with international standards, creating a framework for increasing ASEAN cooperation in promoting and protecting human rights in the region.

Vietnam has also strengthened bilateral cooperation and dialogue with many countries to share information and experience in order to better guarantee human rights. Especially, the country has set up an annual human rights dialogue mechanism with the US, the EU, Switzerland, Norway and Australia. Relevant parties have had positive assessments on the results of the dialogues.

With its policy of active and proactive international integration, Vietnam has actively contributed to the common affairs of the Human Rights Council, especially in issues of its strength and expertise. Thanks to this, the country has heightened its voice and position, and together with other countries struggled to protect and promote progressive principles and contents on human rights.-