National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan called for bringing the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) forward on the back of the solid foundation it has built over the past four decades in her speech at the first plenary session of the 37th General Assembly of AIPA on September 30. 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan

Ngan said during the nearly 40 years of existence, AIPA has seen strong development, expanded its membership, strengthened its cooperation mechanism and closely backed the process of building an ASEAN Community. 

Expressing the Vietnamese NA’s support to the AIPA-37’s theme “Vibrant AIPA for a progressive ASEAN Community”, she emphasized that a vibrant AIPA is an AIPA of unity, democracy, law abidance and harmony, and mutual support. 

Vietnam will fully implement resolutions set by the AIPA 37. 

She reaffirmed Vietnam’s consistent external policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of ties; active, proactive and responsible engagement in regional and global issues; contributing to shaping and renewing AIPA’s activities, for a vibrant AIPA and a progressive ASEAN. 

The Vietnamese legislative leader proposed that AIPA would uphold principles and code of conduct of ASEAN and respect for international law for the sake of peace and security in the region while actively realising the ASEAN Vision 2025. 

The NA Chairwoman called attention to joint coordination in implementing the ASEAN Agenda on Sustainable Environment and Climate Change beyond 2015, promptly adopting and realising the Strategic Plan of Action on ASEAN Environment Cooperation for 2016-2025, as well as accelerating the Strategic Plan of Action on the ASEAN Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). 

She urged AIPA to push joint work in information technology in the region and the world so as to improve national capacity in the era of new technology. 

She called for more efforts to raise public awareness of benefits brought by ASEAN and the building of the ASEAN Community. 

AIPA in general and AIPA member parliaments should facilitate the implementation of the bloc’s legal agreements and actively supplement and fine-tune their domestic laws accordingly. 

On the occasion, she also lauded the outcomes of the ASEAN meetings, including the 49 th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM 49), which emphasized peaceful measures to address the East Sea issue, including respecting and abiding by international law, notably the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, effectively carrying out the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and working towards an early formulation of a Code of Conduct in the East Sea. 

On the evening the same day, Myanmar State Counsellor, Foreign Minister and Minister of the President’s Office Aung San Suu Kyu hosted a banquet in honour of delegates to the AIPA-37.

National Assembly leader attends AIPA executive committee meeting

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (front, centre) leads the Vietnamese delegation to the meeting of the AIPA-37 executive committee

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan joined other ASEAN parliamentarians at the executive committee meeting of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in Nay Pyi Taw on September 30. 

The meeting, the first among activities of the 37th AIPA General Assembly (AIPA-37) hosted by Myanmar, drew parliamentary delegates from the 10 AIPA member countries. 

Opening the event, Speaker of Malaysia’s lower house Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia, who held the AIPA-36 Presidency, handed over this position to Speaker of Myanmar’s Parliament and Upper House Mahn Win Khaing Than. 

As the AIPA-37 President, the Myanmar speaker then chaired the meeting of the AIPA executive committee. 

The event considered the appointment of Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the Philippines’ House of Representatives, as Vice President of the AIPA-37 executive committee. 

They also approved activities and agenda of AIPA-37, including topics for AIPA committees’ meetings, and looked into the time for organising AIPA-38 and other important issues.

Vietnamese President’s message to AIPA 37

President Tran Dai Quang has sent a message to the 37 th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-37), affirming that Vietnam’s National Assembly will continue its effective contributions to the common development of the AIPA and ASEAN.

The AIPA 37 opened in Myanmar’s capital Nay Pyi Taw on September 30 and will last until October 3.

In the message, the President noted that the AIPA-37 took place amid deep and comprehensive changes in the world. Apart from the trend of peace, cooperation and development, the world is facing severe challenges that not any single country is capable enough to deal with them thoroughly.

“In such context, I am delighted at the official birth of the ASEAN Community in 2015 which is a historic milestone of ASEAN connectivity process, reflecting the bloc’s maturity and strength,” he wrote.

President Quang expressed his belief that as a forum of regional legislatures, AIPA will continue renewing its agenda, intensifying ties with parliaments of outside countries and actively strengthening support for and linkage with ASEAN governments to achieve goals set in the ASEAN Vision 2025.

The Vietnamese leader appreciated the AIPA-37’s theme “Vibrant AIPA for a progressive ASEAN Community”, which he said is a reflection of ASEAN member states’ wish to promote collaboration, laying a solid foundation for deeper regional connectivity and development.

He reaffirmed Vietnam’s consistent external policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development, multilateralisation and diversification of ties, active and proactive global integration, ready to be a friend, a trustworthy partner and a responsible member of the global community.

In conclusion, he wished that the AIPA-37 will be a success, contributing to peace, stability, prosperity and comprehensive cooperation of ASEAN.